O_Head of Production Plant Carei

Tvoji zadaci

Production and Operations Management

  • Oversee and coordinate production/operations unit activities.
  • Translate the factory/operations production strategy into actionable plans and ensure their implementation.
  • Contribute to the strategic and operational planning of the factory/operations (e.g., investments, capacity, workforce planning).
  • Ensure production targets are met in alignment with internal and external customer expectations.
  • Initiate and control investment projects for production equipment (e.g., manufacturing machinery, assembly equipment).
  • Implement and drive continuous improvement initiatives through the application of methodologies and training measures.
  • Serve as an interface with business segments, business units (BU), or business areas (BA) to gather local production requirements and feedback.
  • Participate in and/or lead global or local production-related and cross-functional projects.

Financial Management

  • Prepare, review, and manage the budget and forecast for production cost centers.
  • Ensure the timely submission of financial data.
  • Implement and execute activities in line with the approved budget.
  • Ensure financial targets are achieved.

Operations & Quality Assurance

  • Ensure the smooth operation of all production and reprocessing processes and equipment (e.g., mixing, calendaring, extrusion, composition, pressing, vulcanization, assembly) in accordance with standards and planning, in close collaboration with maintenance (manufacturing engineering/facilities management).
  • Ensure in-process quality control and final inspection adherence to standards and planning.
  • Regularly monitor and improve quality and waste metrics in collaboration with relevant departments.
  • Manage internal material handling and transportation operations for semi-finished products (excluding raw materials and finished goods) in compliance with standards and planning.
  • Oversee the acquisition and recording of production data (e.g., order data, machine performance, process quality) per established standards.
  • Ensure compliance with Environmental, Safety, and Health (ESH) requirements.

Workforce Development & Training

  • Oversee training management at the shop floor level, ensuring workforce education and skill development for production, logistics, and maintenance processes.
  • Ensure the availability of qualified employees for production functions in cooperation with the HR department.
  • Initiate and manage ongoing qualification and skill development programs for production employees in collaboration with HR.

Performance Monitoring & Continuous Improvement

  • Support the monitoring and reporting of production performance (KPIs), including cost, time, quality, waste, energy, and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), in cooperation with production engineering and controlling departments.
  • Initiate and oversee measures to improve production process performance.

Standardization & Process Optimization

  • Ensure the local implementation of central production standards.
  • Provide feedback and insights for the continuous development of production standards, covering processes (e.g., production flow plans, control plans, work instructions, standardized work charts), equipment (e.g., machines, tools, layouts), logistics (e.g., material handling and storage technologies), and quality (e.g., testing methods, equipment) for business segments, business units (BU), or business areas (BA).
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Tvoj profil

  • University degree, preferably Industrial Engineering or similar
  • At least 5 years of experience in Production processes 
  • Cross function experience in fields like Engineering, Quality or Continuous Improvement Processes
  • Lean Manufacturing knowledge
  • At least 3 years of Leadership experience
  • Advanced English knowledge
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Naša ponuda

  • Executive position
  • Attractive salary package
  • Development opportunities
  • Company car

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O nama

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2023, Continental generated preliminary sales of €41.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 56 countries and markets

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Imaj u vidu da se putem portala možeš prijaviti samo ukoliko si trenutno zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental. Ukoliko još uvek nisi zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental, radujemo se tvojoj prijavi putem portala za zapošljavanje na kojima objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.

Prijavom na oglas za otvorene pozicije ne postoji nikakva zakonska obaveza da kandidat bude primljen niti se prijava smatra zasnivanjem radnog odnosa.

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Imam u vidu da samo zaposleni kompanije Continental imaju mogućnost da se prijave za ovaj interni oglas. Ukoliko bi želeo ili želela da podeliš eksterno ovaj oglas za posao sa svojim prijateljima, zamolili bismo te da proveriš otvorene pozicije na našem portalu za zapošljavanje putem kojeg objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.