Cloud – Native Platform Engineer

Tvoji zadaci

The “IT Engineer DevOps Cloud-Native platform” supports with her/his colleagues the development and operation of our over 100 Kubernetes Cluster, running in the Cloud, in the locations data center as well as physical device cluster directly on the shopfloor. The platform is also offering a set of base services, which is also in this team’s responsibility, to enable our platform users with a set of standard solutions. Tasks are executed in accordance with company guidelines, the SAFe @ MA roles within the agile Edge2Cloud – team and the Head of Manufacturing Platform as functional lead.

Principal accountabilities:

  • Works globally at the development and operations of our hybrid Cloud – native platform “Edge2Cloud”.
  • Part of the DevOps – team / SAFe-agile – team “Edge2Cloud”.
  • Designs and adopts new technical developments for possible optimization of the CC’s IT solutions.
  • Develops and rolls out ongoing optimization of our implementation with respect to cost/benefit.
  • Provides guidance to and share knowledge with platform users relating to area of specialization.
  • Tests and releases software components (doing or coordinating) by using CI/CD pipelines.
  • Supports Incident Management (3rd level support) and support our external service provider for incidents up to level 2 to ensure non-interrupted operations in the plants or the respective area of responsibility.
  • Consults our customers to enable them to use our platform in an efficient way and ensures that they are keeping all requirements within their workloads.
  • Collaborates with IT CC’s, central functions, or Business Areas to develop standard solutions.
  • Supports continuous technology market screening and optimizations of the platform.
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Tvoj profil

Required qualifications:

  • Demonstrated experiences in Cloud – native development and architecture.
  • Demonstrated experiences using docker and Kubernetes.
  • Experiences in the usage of CI / CD – pipelines.
  • Self-dependent and team-minded.
  • Advanced English.
  • Bachelor's Degree: Engineering.


Optional qualifications:

  • Knowledge about agile frameworks and methods (e.g. SAFe).
  • Knowledge about Microservice Development.
  • Knowledge about Manufacturing processes.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of some of our platform components like Rancher, Keycloak, CouchDB, RabbitMQ, MinIO, observability tools like Grafana, Loki, Mimir, Tempo, Gravitee (API Management), REDIS and ArgoCD.
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Naša ponuda

At Continental we are committed to building an inclusive and discrimination-free ecosystem in Mexico, these principles are rooted in our corporate philosophy and culture. Therefore, it is totally forbidden to request a pregnancy or HIV test as part of our selection processes.


Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nama

Continental desarrolla tecnologías y servicios vanguardistas para la movilidad sostenible e interconectada de personas y bienes. Fundada en 1871, la empresa de tecnología ofrece soluciones seguras, eficientes, inteligentes y asequibles para vehículos, máquinas, tráfico y transporte. En 2022, Continental generó ventas por 39 400 millones de euros y actualmente emplea a unas 200 000 personas en 57 países y mercados.


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