(Senior) Manager of Customs APAC (m/f/d) - REF75884S

Tvoji zadaci

As a customs manager/senior expert APAC you will be providing functional leadership and advisory for regional plants of ContiTech in the APAC region. You cooperate very close with the global central team on customs matter in order to ensure compliance and comprehensive regional governance (procedures and processes, internal control systems, risk management activities). At the same time you are going to work on development of regional customs strategy and ensure its implementation among the region.  You will lead regional projects and processes to ensure customs compliance, financial business value, operational excellence and customer satisfacttion. You will track their progress of execution and report to senior management.  Being a customs manager and business partner for the APAC region, you will act as the regional interface taking care about customs topics of plants, customers, senior management  You will cooperate and take care for a  close relation with the customs and foreign trade authorities in the region and ensure that all needed authorizations and legal obligations are in place and implemented fully compliant. 

Your main tasks:

- functional leadership of regional plants of ContiTech Customs in the APAC region, as well providing regional direction for customs governance: rules and customs procedures, risk management, internal compliance programs or revision in close coordination with the central global customs team

-  monitor legal changes and its impact to the ContiTech business and lead proper implementation with all plants to ensure compliance and duty savings opportunities

- conduct regional internal revision of customs and support external audits in the APAC region as needed

- develop and maintain working relationship with regional customs authorities where appropriate, as well as with all other regulatory authorities to carry out company business 

- develop and implement regional customs strategy to ensure customs compliance and lean business processes

- lead projects, track their progress and report achievements, risks, escalations and ensure regular status reporting on projects execution and results 

- work out support to customs related requests and projects including timely , accurate and detailed work plans 

.- proactively search for improvement opportunities for compliance, financial business value, operational excellence or customer satisfaction; conduct industry benchmark analysis; prepare business cases and strategic presentations 

- identify and communicate customs related risks and opportunities; carry out regional risk management activities

-  lead ContiTech stakeholder initiatives/regional advisory to respond to their business needs, provide advices and regular exchange on best practices 

-  implement measures fostering performance and level of compliance provided by local/regional operational teams, shared service center and third-party service providers

- lead continuous improvement of the processes towards automatisations, digitalisation, KPI measurement and compliance 

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Tvoj profil

University degree within customs/taxes/foreign trade or an interdisciplinary education, such as international business or supply chain with long experience as a corporate customs officer or coming from customs advisory.

At least 7 years of working experience in the customs area, out of them at least 3 years on APAC regional level.

Comprehensive customs knowledge on expert level; incl. tariffs, customs valuation, imports, exports, customs regimes, free trade or origin management.

Managerial skills in terms of leading projects, processes, execution of strategy, risk management etc.

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Continental entwickelt wegweisende Technologien und Dienste für die nachhaltige und vernetzte Mobilität der Menschen und ihrer Güter. Das 1871 gegründete Technologieunternehmen bietet sichere, effiziente, intelligente und erschwingliche Lösungen für Fahrzeuge, Maschinen, Verkehr und Transport. Continental erzielte 2023 einen Umsatz von 41,4 Milliarden Euro und beschäftigt aktuell rund 200.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in 56 Ländern und Märkten.

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