Specialist SCM - Material Planning

Tvoji zadaci

-He/She must be Working as a material planner & responsible for material management & ensuring no customer line stoppages.

- Must be having a good knowledge of SAP /IT know of SAP R/3, AP1, MM, BENSBERG, DCC, Excel.

- Manage Inventory of raw material.

-  Responsible for Updating CRIPALI /LDAN to avoid line stoppages with escalating to team timely

- Initiatives related with packaging and Logistics cost savings.

- Checking customer volumes v/s supplier capacities and communicating to team timely.

- Participation in Inventory improvement, Log. cost improvement.

- Continuous improvement in Inward materials (measuring, monitoring, reporting, improving).

-  Support to ASCM & team for product launch (coordination with team).

- Ensure high quality and performance output to meet Departmental targets

- Ensures on time, qualitative and quantitative delivery of products to internal/external customer with the principles of the Continental Business systems (CBS).

- Developing the good Networking internally & externally.

- Inventory/Logistics budget planning.

- Follow-up with custom team for import-Export control issues.

- No delay in responses to team and customer.

- Perform supplier visits (audits)

- Identify supply gap and Start activities to close supply gap.

- Providing delivery schedule to supplier for smooth supply of materials.

- MRP run and validation

- Perform material shortage & allocation management

- Tracking Deliveries (ASN, EDI)

- Analyze Inventories using BW reports & take actions accordingly

- Initiate ICO procurement in case of direct shortages from suppliers.

- Maintain & optimize expired material / slow material / obsoletes (for raw material)

- Follow-up & coordinating with Global SCM team, Purchase team for any Global part shortage which also comes under allocation etc

- MOQ reduction for Inventory optimization.

- Supplier delivery performance review.

-CDP Data (18 months forecast completed)

-Consulting and facilitating skills

-Other IT tools relevant for the tasks

-Preferred knowledge of Continental business processes (Focus: Long-term, medium-term and short-term production planning)

- Knowledge of SC & Logistics standards, processes, and instruments on order scheduling

- Preferred knowledge of Conti's country-specifics for order scheduling processes (if applicable)

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Tvoj profil

Engineering Graduate/ Diploma with 3 to 5 Years with experience Automotive Industry.

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