Specialist - SIOP Operation Team (BRA)

Tvoji zadaci

As the SIOP Operation Team, your key role is to lead and oversee Demand and Capacity Planning functions within the SIOP Operations Team. This involves coordinating demand forecasting, capacity planning, and monitoring processes. Your primary focus will be on optimizing inventory levels and delivery performance. Additionally, you'll be responsible for developing, monitoring, and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the S&OP process. Through strategic guidance and effective leadership, you'll contribute to improving operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance by leveraging data-driven insights to optimize the company's supply chain, demand forecasting, and inventory management.


Your Tasks

  • Your core tasks will be, not limited to:
  • Stock strategy: Define guidance to FG/RM stock strategy (e.g., ABC/XYZ, safety stock, ROP, EOQ)
  • Statistical Forecast: Define, execute/provide guidance to statistical forecast process (e.g., forecast model, historical/Forecast period, system (SAP/Arthur/AI))
  • Material Master Data: Define, execute/provide guidance to system parameter data (e.g., MRP view, forecast view, fixed vendor)
  • SIOP Process: Support demand fulfillment cluster, providing data about SIOP process (e.g., inventory, forecast)
  • Demand Release: Release demand to facilities/vendors based on SIOP decision
  • Supply Monitoring: Plant/Vendor/XBA monitoring (e.g., follow up, exception message, priorities definitions, delivery date maintenance, escalation)
  • Inventory Management: Execute the inventory strategy, ensuring inventory target achievement
  • KPI Reporting & Monitoring: Reporting/Monitoring (e.g., OTIF, inventory, stock health, backorder, slow moving)
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Tvoj profil

  • Degree in SCM, Economics/Business. Engineering or Operations
  • Professional experience (several yrs)
    • Several years of professional experience in the areas of Supply chain management and/or Operations (good knowledge about sales, purchasing...)  
    • Experience in design of SCM processes
    • Excellent know-how regarding the common SCM tools and methods in particular familiarity with the supply chain systems, process & standards
    • Strong SAP know how
  • Project and/or Process Experience
    • Project management experience in major SCM projects
    • Proven track record in implementing SCM processes and systems
    • High level regarding SCM Process understanding
  • Intercultural / International Experience
    • Desired experienced in working successfully on an international level in projects as well as direct responsibility
    • High level of customer orientation, 
    • Intercultural staff experiences several years
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O nama

Continental desarrolla tecnologías y servicios vanguardistas para la movilidad sostenible e interconectada de personas y bienes. Fundada en 1871, la empresa de tecnología ofrece soluciones seguras, eficientes, inteligentes y asequibles para vehículos, máquinas, tráfico y transporte. En 2021, Continental generó ventas por 33 800 millones de euros y actualmente emplea a más de 190 000 personas en 58 países y mercados. El 8 de octubre de 2021, la empresa celebró su 150 aniversario.

El sector del grupo ContiTech desarrolla y fabrica, por ejemplo, productos y sistemas de materiales cruzados, respetuosos con el medioambiente e inteligentes para la industria automotriz, ingeniería ferroviaria, minería, agricultura y otras industrias clave. Guiados por la visión de «soluciones inteligentes y sostenibles más allá de los productos de caucho», este sector del grupo se apoya en su vasto conocimiento de la industria y los materiales para abrir nuevas oportunidades de negocio mediante la combinación de diferentes materiales con componentes electrónicos y servicios individuales.

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