Pricing Specialist I - Accounts Receivable (Rebates)

Tvoji zadaci

• Compiles information from periodicals, catalogs, and other sources to keep informed on price trends and manufacturing processes. 
• Obtains data for cost analysis studies by determining manufacturing costs within divisions of company. 
• Confers with vendors and analyzes vendor's operations to determine factors that affect prices. 
• Prepares reports, charts, and graphs of findings. Evaluates findings and makes recommendations to purchasing personnel regarding feasibility of manufacturing or buying needed products.
• May recommend use of alternative parts, materials, or manufacturing methods to reduce costs.

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Tvoj profil

BS Accountancy 
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or equivalent experience (+2 years in Accounts Receivable)
3-5 years work related experience
SAP expert in Accounts Receivable (AR); knowledgeable in other SAP accounting modules (FICO, AP, MM)
Knowledgeable in MS office suite
Preferably with experience in process improvements
Background in GL/AP/ICO preferred
Experience with working with international teams required
Good customer relationship and stakeholder management skills

Demonstrated experience and skills in Sales and Marketing. Select and Use the sales tools during process. Identify needs and/or opportunities. Present solutions/ options

Knowledge of the principles, practices, and standard methodologies of Sales coupled with a knowledge of the standard Marketing programs to provide advisory services. Comply with corporate policies. Understand financials. Think globally and act locally.  Follow industry standards

Medium level. Advanced user. Fills and modifies templates and tables, charts and uses effectively various format functions. Medium level. Advanced user training. Demonstrated by examples of application at work. 

Knowledge of various special Sales and Marketing programs to assist management in meeting goals.

Ability to use effective oral communications to present ideas/explain material to a variety of audiences

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Naša ponuda

Position 3 of 3

Works on night shift / mid shift (Manila Time) to be able to cater to stakeholders in NAR.

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O nama

Global Business Services Manila is the only ContiTech location in the Philippines providing support to global stakeholders (e.g. NAR, EuroAsia)

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