Engineer Function Development & Software

Tvoji zadaci

Requirement Analysis

  1. Analyze and review customer requirements of control functions.(functional requirement and safety requirement)
  2. Steer and communicate with customer about the deviation / proposal from function side
  3. Trace customer requirement, mapping customer requirement to internal requirement
  4. Feasibility analysis of requirement change request

Function Safety

  1. Participate the function safety management activity in the project
  2. Detect / Track deviation of the function safety requirement if there's any between customer's and Continental's

Function Development

  1. Select the proper function requirement according to project needs in internal requirement pool
  2. Configure the proper function / feature in system model
  3. Detect the needs for new function / feature development, design the basic plug-in logic for it 

Software Development

  1. Implement EBS software component (control functions) according to customer requirements and internal regulation.
  2. Create baseline for SW implementation and software release.
  3. Perform static code analysis, code review and check for complier bugs.
  4. Test software component according to customer requirement and internal regulation(Software component test)

Problem Solving

  1. Support vehicle test on high mu and low mu test for control function, ensure function performance
  2. Analysis test data trace and solve issue
  3. Onsite support for vehicle test if needed
  4. Archive / Log / Trace the issues according to internal process


  1. Provide customer the technical support regarding control function
  2. Support function / software release for the project
  3. Support Quotation activity
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Tvoj profil

  1. Bachelor Degree at least, major in automotive, electrical & electronic or software engineering
  2. Familiar with programming language, c, c++
  3. Familiar with vehicle dynamic
  4. At least 2 years work experience (minimum 1 year working experience in software development related area )
  5. CET-4 for English as minimum requirement
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Naša ponuda

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nama

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2021, Continental generated sales of €33.8 billion and currently employs more than 190,000 people in 58 countries and markets. On October 8, 2021, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary.

The ContiTech group sector develops and manufactures, for example, cross-material, environmentally friendly and intelligent products and systems for the automotive industry, railway engineering, mining, agriculture and other key industries. Guided by the vision of “smart and sustainable solutions beyond rubber,” the group sector draws on its long-standing knowledge of the industry and materials to open up new business opportunities by combining various materials with electronic components and individual services. 

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Imaj u vidu da se putem portala možeš prijaviti samo ukoliko si trenutno zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental. Ukoliko još uvek nisi zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental, radujemo se tvojoj prijavi putem portala za zapošljavanje na kojima objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.

Prijavom na oglas za otvorene pozicije ne postoji nikakva zakonska obaveza da kandidat bude primljen niti se prijava smatra zasnivanjem radnog odnosa.

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Imam u vidu da samo zaposleni kompanije Continental imaju mogućnost da se prijave za ovaj interni oglas. Ukoliko bi želeo ili želela da podeliš eksterno ovaj oglas za posao sa svojim prijateljima, zamolili bismo te da proveriš otvorene pozicije na našem portalu za zapošljavanje putem kojeg objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.