R&D Operational Development Specialist

Tvoji zadaci

The OD Specialist focuses on the support to development of new products and the improvement of existing ones, The function is responsible for local product robustness in the plant in alignment with regional development.

The OD Specialist will work in a dynamic and diverse environment, undertaking development projects in synergy with internal facilities and 3rd party collaborators.

The development of new elastomeric materials, processing techniques and lab tests requires a multidisciplinary skillset that combines knowledge of material science and industrial processes applied to polymers.

A natural predisposition to critical thinking is highly valued, with an attitude to proactively finding solutions.


  • Initiate and oversee projects related to the introduction of new materials aimed at product continuous improvement
  • Robust industrialization of the product portfolio 
  • Support of plant efficiency and quality targets by product optimization projects 
  • Transfer projects and raw material exchange projects within one region
  • Adjustment of formulations and constructions within defined tolerances
  • Execute and supervise testing activities on both existing and new materials
  • Ensure the direct link with plant functions in order to initiate and implements action plans for continuous improvement of existing products
  • Managing relationships with internal (e.g. Production, Quality, Engineering, Purchasing) and external partners (e.g. research centers and industrial collaborators) as well as overseeing the project budget and expenses
  • Work closely with cross-functional teams, including Production, Quality and Engineering, to ensure successful product launches and adherence to project timelines
  • Maintain detailed records of research and development activities, preparing reports and presentations to communicate findings and progress to stakeholders
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Tvoj profil

  • University degree, preferably in Chemistry, Materials Engineering or Materials Science
  • Previous experience in polymer characterization, rubber compounding and processing, materials selection
  • Previous experience in a manufacturing company within the polymer industry would be a plus
  • Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Good communication skills to independently engage collaborators
  • Experience in working with international teams on production topics and understanding of foreign cultures
  • Fluency in English and Italian is mandatory
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Naša ponuda

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O nama

Continental Coated Systems Italy SpA is a leading company in the world of rubber and operates within the manufacture of rubber coated fabrics for Printing Applications and General Industry

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