Local IT Engineer

Tvoji zadaci

General Objectives:

Responsibility for setting up, developing, and maintaining computer networks within the local or global organizations. You’ll offer support to Continental users, who can be central staff, production client users, contractors, suppliers and troubleshoot any problem arise. This may, in some cases, involve designing new networks.

Your aim is to ensure the integrity and efficiently execution of projects related to network infrastructure to provide maximum performance for the stations, machines, and users. Part of the local IT team and part of the regional network organization.


  • Responsible in the provision and operation of the network environment required to enable communication from/to all devices that exchange data in a location. 
  • Maximizes network performance by monitoring performance, troubleshooting network problems and outages, scheduling upgrades, and collaborating with network architects on network optimization
  • Undertakes data network fault investigations in local and wide area environments using information from multiple sources
  • Secures network systems by establishing and enforcing policies, and defining and monitoring access
  • Supports and administers firewall environments in line with IT security policy
  • Reports network operational status by gathering and prioritizing information and managing projects
  • Upgrades data network equipment to the latest stable firmware releases
  • Configures routing and switching equipment, hosted IP voice services and firewalls
  • Provides support to on-site IT supports and end users during installation
  • Provides troubleshooting and fault finding if issues occur upon initial installation
  • Provides root-cause-analysis when failures, incidents or problem occurs related to network infrastructure
  • Undertakes capacity management and audit of IP addressing and hosted devices within data center
  • Liaises with project management teams, level 3 regional engineers and service desk engineers on a regular basis
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Tvoj profil

Education: Licensed BS Electronics Engineer

Professional Experience: At least 3 years experience as technical support or at least 1 year experience as project manager

Certification: CCNA, ITIL v4, PRINCE2 (recommended)

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Naša ponuda

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O nama

We make individual mobility safer, more comfortable and more sustainable. As a partner to the automotive industry, Continental develops and manufactures components, modules and systems. The safety and comfort of road users are at the center of our work. In addition, we develop ever more products which contribute to the protection of the environment by reducing fuel consumption.

Continental is one of the five largest automobile suppliers worldwide. Our development centers and production facilities are located where our customers are, so we are always nearby – worldwide. Many of our business units have excellent competitive positions: We are number one worldwide for foundation brakes, safety electronics, telematics, vehicle instrumentation, and fuel supply systems, and number two for electronic brake systems and brake boosters. We are the fourth worldwide for tires and are the European market leader for passenger and light truck tires, winter tires, and industrial tires. Our ContiTech division is the world market leader for foils used in vehicle interiors, conveyor belts, as well as for air springs used in rail transportation technology.

The Plant is certified on IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ANSI  ESD S.20-2007, IEC 61340-5-1:2007.

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Odaberi način na koji želiš da se prijaviš

Ukoliko imaš kompanijsku mail adresu, možeš je koristiti prilikom prijave. Nakon toga direktno u sistemu moći ćeš da vidiš status svoje prijave. Ukoliko nemaš kompanijsku mail adresu, možeš se prijavi koristeći svoju privatnu mail adresu. Nakon toga sva dalja komunikacija kao i informacije vezano za status tvoje prijave stići će ti na mail.

Imaj u vidu da se putem portala možeš prijaviti samo ukoliko si trenutno zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental. Ukoliko još uvek nisi zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental, radujemo se tvojoj prijavi putem portala za zapošljavanje na kojima objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.

Prijavom na oglas za otvorene pozicije ne postoji nikakva zakonska obaveza da kandidat bude primljen niti se prijava smatra zasnivanjem radnog odnosa.

Podeli ovu objavu sa svojim kolegama i koleginicama

Kako bi podelio ili podelila ovaj oglas za posao, jednostavno kopiraj URL ove stranice i onda podeli sa tvojim kolegama ili koleginicama putem mail adrese ili Teams aplikacije.

Imam u vidu da samo zaposleni kompanije Continental imaju mogućnost da se prijave za ovaj interni oglas. Ukoliko bi želeo ili želela da podeliš eksterno ovaj oglas za posao sa svojim prijateljima, zamolili bismo te da proveriš otvorene pozicije na našem portalu za zapošljavanje putem kojeg objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.