C&D Engineer (MEC) - Automation Engineer

Tvoji zadaci

  • Maintains and continuously improves electrical production equipment, electrical spare parts and Controls & Drives systems in the production area in order to reduce machine downtime, maintenance costs and scrap level.
  • Support the startup of new equipment and ensure electrical production equipment C&D standards.
  • Interact with suppliers to maintain and troubleshoot electrical equipment. 
  • Issue procedures and work instructions, ensure implementation of measures and maintain controls.
  • Ensures a proper diagnosis of electrical problems, repair and restart of production machinery of the area of responsibility in case of breakdowns. Manage C&D equipment spare parts in cooperation with Purchasing Department.
  • Ensures the implementation of the local Maintenance strategy (focusing on MaintainME and including SAP PM, interfaces with other departments, ….).
  • Identifies, analyses and insures the implementation of potential Controls & Drives improvements (including costs savings, downtime and scrap reduction) on area production machinery in cooperation with other departments (Production, Quality, Purchasing).
  • Maintain updated C&D documentation in the area (electrical plants, troubleshooting guides, etc.…).
  • Protection, Creation of Backups and Maintenance of the control system software, such as IPC's, PLC's, Drives, Communication Devices, etc. 
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Tvoj profil

  • Bachelor of electrical engineering or equivalent field.
  • Had an experience with international contacts through projects, colleagues, and suppliers.
  • 5 years of Controls and Drives experience in the manufacturing industry, the tires business is an advantage.
  • Has knowledge of Beckhoff PLC, Siemens PLC programming, Step7, Tia Portal, Win CC , SAP.
  • Has participated in machine improvement, refurbishment, upgrade or installation projects.
  • Has participated in Maintenance, Preventive & Predictive Maintenance.
  • Ability to read the electrical drawing.
  • Good at communicating in English.
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Naša ponuda

Maintains and continuously improves electrical production equipment, electrical spare parts and Controls & Drives systems in the production area in order to reduce machine downtime, maintenance costs and scrap level

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O nama

Maintains and continuously improves electrical production equipment, electrical spare parts and Controls & Drives systems in the production area in order to reduce machine downtime, maintenance costs and scrap level

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