Software Engineer - Internship

Your tasks

Database for Online Process Analysis and Control (DOPAC) main task is being the system for collecting, recording, processing the Data from the Production machines, this includes the safe storage and archiving as per customer requirements.
During your internship you will support
--updating of DOPAC manufacturing manuals
--updating of documentation in TTKF & Codebeamer
--performing system testing

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Your profile

-Basic programming skill.
-Good documentation skills.
-Able to follow and understand system testing steps and rules.

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Naša ponuda

Specific contribution of the graduate (tasks, deliverables, targets):
-Perform system testing of various SafetyNet test cases.
-Complete the documentation for the latest DOPAC and SafetyNet version.
-Complete basic dashboard development requirements from plant members.

Benefit / learning objectives for the graduate:
-Learn about online analysis process and control in manufacturing.
-Learn about system testing before system rollout.
-Learn about SQL query, GraphWorX and Workbench.
-Learn about the system development.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nama

Continental’s digital capabilities are growing every day. Our Tires Manufacturing IT Competence Center drives the digitization of our tire plant’s processes – and we want you to join us!

We analyze business requirements and transform them into the latest digital processes and systems. This enables Continental’s Tire business to continuously improve production performance and quality results in order to meet customer requirements.

We partner with people from our tire plants and other areas within the company to realize new functionalities or test and evaluate new technology. We are a global, highly motivated IT team that has the freedom to act and embraces diverse thought and perspectives.

If you love to create and improve digital solutions and drive them from idea to implementation, Continental is the perfect match for you.

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Odaberi način na koji želiš da se prijaviš

Ukoliko imaš kompanijsku mail adresu, možeš je koristiti prilikom prijave. Nakon toga direktno u sistemu moći ćeš da vidiš status svoje prijave. Ukoliko nemaš kompanijsku mail adresu, možeš se prijavi koristeći svoju privatnu mail adresu. Nakon toga sva dalja komunikacija kao i informacije vezano za status tvoje prijave stići će ti na mail.

Imaj u vidu da se putem portala možeš prijaviti samo ukoliko si trenutno zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental. Ukoliko još uvek nisi zaposlen ili zaposlena u kompaniji Continental, radujemo se tvojoj prijavi putem portala za zapošljavanje na kojima objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.

Prijavom na oglas za otvorene pozicije ne postoji nikakva zakonska obaveza da kandidat bude primljen niti se prijava smatra zasnivanjem radnog odnosa.

Podeli ovu objavu sa svojim kolegama i koleginicama

Kako bi podelio ili podelila ovaj oglas za posao, jednostavno kopiraj URL ove stranice i onda podeli sa tvojim kolegama ili koleginicama putem mail adrese ili Teams aplikacije.

Imam u vidu da samo zaposleni kompanije Continental imaju mogućnost da se prijave za ovaj interni oglas. Ukoliko bi želeo ili želela da podeliš eksterno ovaj oglas za posao sa svojim prijateljima, zamolili bismo te da proveriš otvorene pozicije na našem portalu za zapošljavanje putem kojeg objavljujemo eksterno otvorene pozicije.