Junior Finance Analyst

Náplň práce

Collections management Brazil assigned with % of compliance
Direct management of clients from the mentioned markets.
Analysis of projections, AR FC, client risk due to late payments.
Maintain balanced accounts in the corresponding balance sheet, working on the differences and pending amounts

Reconciliation of Brazilian client accounts
Review client requirements regarding account statements
Applications in client portfolios
Reconciliation of payments made by clients
Solve problems that arise from both internal and external clients
Knowledge of Brazilian tax regulations for their correct application in cases of tax notes issued to the client

Updating processes in the Pom's system depending on the changes that occur.
Preparation of Portfolio Aging and Overdue Report
Preparation of Brazil Due Date Report, for analysis
Preparation of Reports with area information, for internal and BU submission.
Resolution of requirements from external Audit.

Constant review of new system tools or changes that need to be made.

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Profil kandidáta

Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Economy, Accounting, or related fields.

At least 3 years of experience in AR / credit (finance)

Experience working with multifunctional teams in other countries (for systems)

Spanish ( desirable) 

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O nás

Continental, a German multinational that offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transport. In 2020, it generated sales of €37.7 billion and currently employs around 235,000 people in 58 countries and markets. In 2021, the company celebrates its 150th anniversary.

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