Head of IT Changchun BA OSEL

Náplň práce

1. Maintenance the server and network up 99% online.

2.Make IT Assets to zero defect and manage the assets, also to make assets related policy.

3. Support plant to finish customer order and manage over 80 printers over two plants and offices.

4. Support important application of SAP and make it security according to Global policy.

5. Maintain the security camera in a working status.

6. Restructure network including wireless network and make them running smoothly.

7. Implement the DS Audit or Cybersecurity Audit for the local to ensure meet the compliance of Corporate Security Policy.

8. Leading Digital Projects especially on PBI to make the plant forward on.

9. Leading the MSB Project rolling out in Plants and extend it to phrase2 and in the future , will involve more action on the direction as Business Partner.

10. Control the Plant IT Cost to make it as reasonable level and contribute to the PE reduction.

11. In charge of the Information security, to get qualified audit from internal team and external audit.

12. Lead and implement the TISAX Audit.

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Profil kandidáta


1.Major in IT or more than 3 years work experience, better with CCNP and PMP

2.PMP Holder is perfered.

3.Minimum 2 years leadership experience

4.worked in foreign company at least 2 years.

5.Good communication skills in English

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