JP Central Order Desk_Tire Japan - Permanent staff

Náplň práce


- Taking customer's inquiries: Provide correct information to the customers upon inquiries (stock availability, order status, product line-up, etc) 
-Phase-in/ Phase-out management: Update articles in the product list and list price master for PI/PO for customers to provide correct information
- Order handling: Order entry (FAX/ e-mails), Credit limit check, MTP set-up, Lost order and alternative delivery input, Proper RDD setting, Customer "Ship to" creation 
- Return tire handling: Return order creation, Truck arrangement for pick-up, Issue Credit note
- Order Management/ Cleaning: Check and monitor order status
- Free of Charge/ Employee sales/ Own consumption: Order, DN creation, PGI issue, Invoice for internal customers


- Analyze Relevant KPI and Report Outcome with Reasons and Action Plan. Accountable to achievement of own goals (KPI: Missed call/ Fillrate/ Lost Order), profit (CMC), successful delivery of specific assignments, and other initiatives.
- Build up or reset the new or different processes to have smooth operations to support sales increase

Revenue/ Profit

- Support sales activities to achieve the target sales
- Check DN Auto-Release to ship all orders within the order date to meet customer RDD
- Issuing invoice on time and send it to the customers to collect
- Arrange suitable size of truck for shipments to minimize transport cost
- Minimize wrong order input and limit urgent shipment cost for replacement shipment

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Profil kandidáta

- In the functional field: minimum of 7 years experience in Sales, Sales administration and/ or Logistics 
- Advanced SAP/ IT( Excel/ Word/ Power Point, etc) skill, experience using very large datasets
- Experience defining program requirements and using data and metrics to determine improvements
- 3+ years program or project management experience

- Experience in stakeholder management, dealing with multiple stakeholders at varied levels of the organization, 3 years experience

Business Skills
- Microsoft Office (Excel/ Word: Business level, Power Point: Basic)
- Business Use of English with international colleagues
- Japanese: Fluent business level

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Čo ponúkame



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