ContiTech_Sales Manager Japan, Surface Solutions Automotive

Náplň práce

  • Responsible for the development and implementation of the global JOEM strategy together with the sales managers in the other regions (China, EU, Americas)
  • Coordination of the global sales team for JOEMs
  • Responsible to ensure project planning including setting priorities, coordinate and monitor project success to guarantee project targets (time, cost and quality)
  • Active customer relationship management on middle and upper management level in Japan
  • Observes competitive activities and identifies trends and new product ideas for JOEMs
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Profil kandidáta

  • Bachelor degree or higher
  • Minimum of 10 years professional experience in automotive industry
  • Deep knowledge of the automotive industry and its processes esp. Japanese OEMs
  • Management experience in sales function in an international cross-functional team
  • International project management experience
  • Language skills: Japanese and fluent English
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to communicate effectively across cultures and regions
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