Head of Product and Process Industrialization / Application & Manufacturing Engineering

Náplň práce

Product and Process Industrialization:
▪ manage and coordinate the product and process industrialization function of the plant/operations unit
▪ translate business/project/product specific requirements into tangible impacts (e.g. invest, capacity, capability) and assess plant readiness
▪ contribute to strategic and operative planning of the plant (e.g. with respect to investments, capacity and headcount planning)
▪ ensure the achievement of product and process industrialization targets according to internal and external customer expectations
▪ plan and implement investments for project/product specific tooling and devices (e.g. molds, mandrels, jigs, gauges) according to standards
▪ initiate and implement continuous improvement activities by applying CBS methods and training measures 
▪ interface to segment, BU or BA functions in order to gather local product and process industrialization requirements and demands and other feedback 
▪ participate in and/or steer global or local product and process industrialization related and cross-functional projects

Application Engineering:
▪ Development of new product and design variants and combination of existing products to meet customer requirements for metal rubber parts and and air spring systems
▪ Design of required product characteristics according to technical specification under consideration of commercial aspects and supplier choice
▪ Technical support (internal and external) over product life cycle of Commercial and Railway vehicle
▪ Definition, evaluation and interpretation of test results for product development 
▪ Support with customer claims in cooperation with quality management / quality assurance
▪ Acquisition of new development projects and customer relationship management with technical counterpart.

Manufacturing Engineering:  
▪ support the manufacturing engineering function of the plant/operations unit
▪ contribute to strategic and operative planning of the plant/operations unit (e.g. with respect to investments, capacity and headcount planning)
▪ ensure the achievement of manufacturing engineering targets according to internal and external customer expectations
▪ initiate and control investments for production equipment (e.g. production machines, assembly equipment, automation technology, etc.) and manufacturing engineering equipment (e.g. for software tools, equipment for machine installation/maintenance)
▪ initiate and implement continuous improvement activities by applying CBS methods and training measures 
▪ participate in and/or steer global or local manufacturing engineering related and cross-functional projects


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Profil kandidáta

• Major in engineering (e.g. Mechanical, Chemical) or relevant professional experience.   
• >5 years work experience (1 - 3 years in international companies preferred)  
• Strong communication and intercultural skills
• Knowledge and successful execution in the field of Automotive- and/or Railway Technology 
• Self driven and target oriented
• Highly motivated and self driven 
• Excellent skills in English and Korean
• Excellent skills in Microsoft Office 
• Team orientated                                    
• MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 
• CAD 

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Čo ponúkame

National Health Insurance
Pension Insurance
Canteen service
Flexible Work Available

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O nás

ContiTech Daewon Airspring Systems was incorporated in 2003 as a joint venture between Continental and the Korean auto parts specialist Daewon Kangup Co. Ltd.. 

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