Metrology Technician

Náplň práce

Actively participate, collaborate and comply with all policies, procedures and regulations, as well as CRS related to quality assurance through the management of FAIR dimensional reports (full articule inspection reports).
Perform and comply with the objectives and analytical requirements of physical and dynamic testing laboratory.

Create, improve and execute calibration procedures for instruments, equipment and reference materials assigned to them as part of their work area. Control the test and measurement equipment, as well as tools of the laboratories, CMM, Calibration and Physical-Dynamic.

Report any anomaly, or failure in the test and measurement equipment, giving timely follow-up for calibration, repair or replacement.

Perform cleaning of the equipment used during calibrations and the work area, as well as
Comply with established safety standards.

Flexibility in the areas of metrology, and physical-dynamic tests. Ability to detect and perceive characteristics of situations, conditions and objects that affect the
Quality of the product or service.

Monitoring of the annual calibration plan, updating database and reports or certificates of calibration of equipment - fixtures - gauges of Customer in Plant, and identification of equipment, execution of test reports, measurements and calibrations, and administration and publication thereof.

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Profil kandidáta

  • GD&T
  • Mathematics Geometry
  • Quality orientation
  • Basic English
  • Physical-Mathematical Technical Career or related
  • At least 2 years of experience 
  • Management of calibration equipment, CMM. Knowledge in Physical-Dynamic Laboratories
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Čo ponúkame

  • Focus on results 
  • Effective communication
  • Proactive
  • Sense of urgency
  • Interpretation of specifications

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O nás

MFS CT Delicias

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