QM Engineer - Cold Preparation

Náplň práce

  • Ensure quality assurance and inspection policies and procedures are followed throughout the area of responsibility
  • Decide on final disposition of off-standard products, in cooperation with QM and PI
  • Assure appropriate in-process key quality characteristics are over-inspected at the required frequency and appropriate actions are taken
  • Manage investigations and trials for process and product improvement, in cooperation with the production / process / PI.
  • Analysis of quality relevant processes in case of quality deviations, in cooperation with production and process
  • Participate in internal and external audits and support the corrective actions following the audits
  • Drive the SPC process in the preparation areas
  • Regular reporting of process capabilities in the preparation areas and participate in corrective actions to correct non-conforming processes
  • Preparation and reporting of the Process Excellence Data
  • Manage and lead direct reports
  • Train, educate and develop his / her staff
  • Participate in the annual budgeting process and ensure the quality department budget is appropriately met in his / her area of responsibility
  • Lead activities in preparation of SPS reports in the event of major customer complaints
  • Lead activities in the performance of special evaluations of product and process characteristic
  • Analysis of quality relevant processes in case of quality deviations, in cooperation with production and process
  • Ensure immediate notification and response, and initiate preventive measures in case of unsafe or polluting hazards
  • Raise awareness and provide information about ESH responsibilities and duties
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Profil kandidáta

  • Bachelor or Master degree of Chemical Engineering or related filed
  • Minimum 3 years in Industrial Production or similar area
  • Minimum 2 years experience in leading people
  • Minimum 3 Years in tires manufacturing and or Quality management
  • Knowledge of Quality management tools (SPC, FMEA, Control Plan, PPAP, MSA, etc.)
  • Knowledge of Structured Problem solving incl. SPS, A3, 5WHY, Fish Bone
  • Experience in project management
  • Knowledge of IATF 16949
  • Good in English and ability to communicate in multi-national environment
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Čo ponúkame

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2021, Continental generated sales of €33.8 billion and currently employs more than 190,000 people in 58 countries and markets. On October 8, 2021, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary.
With its premium portfolio in the car, truck, bus, two-wheel and specialty tire segment, the Tires group sector stands for innovative solutions in tire technology. Intelligent products and services related to tires and the promotion of sustainability complete the product portfolio. For specialist dealers and fleet management, Tires offers digital tire monitoring and tire management systems, in addition to other services, with the aim of keeping fleets mobile and increasing their efficiency. With its tires, Continental makes a significant contribution to safe, efficient and environmentally friendly mobility.  

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Upozorňujeme, že prostredníctvom tohto portálu sa môžete prihlásiť len vtedy, ak ste v súčasnosti zamestnaný v spoločnosti Continental. Ak ešte nie ste zamestnancom, tešíme sa na vašu žiadosť prostredníctvom nášho externého pracovného portálu.

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