IAM Engineer

Náplň práce

As an IAM Engineer (m/f/diverse) you are part of a motivated, collaborative, and skilled global team of IAM responsible for providing advanced support for identity and access management (IAM) systems, troubleshooting complex issues, and ensuring the stability and security of our IAM infrastructure. This role involves collaborating with other IT teams and stakeholders to deliver high-quality support and continuous improvement. 

Key Responsibilities:

  • Consulting and Design of Identity and Access Management workflows. 
  • Consulting in the area of netIQ IDM, Novell eDirectory infrastructure & application. 
  • Troubleshooting, root cause analysis, documentation, and configuration in the Identity & Access Management area. 
  • Testing of Identity and Access Management workflows and drivers on Quality before deployment. 
  • Collaborate with other IT teams to integrate IAM solutions with various applications and services. 
  • Perform health checks of the IAM environment to identify and mitigate potential risks. 
  • Develop and maintain documentation for IAM configurations, processes, and procedures. 
  • Coordination of incidents and change requests related to Identity and Access Management. 
  • Participate in the design and implementation of IAM projects and initiatives. 
  • Ensure compliance with security policies and industry standards for IAM. 
  • Provide training and guidance to first and second-level support teams. 
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Profil kandidáta

  • Academic degree in the field of information technology, business informatics or comparable qualification. 
  • Strong understanding of IAM concepts, including authentication, authorization, and directory services. 
  • Previous experience in the above-mentioned fields and working with external providers.
  • Good communication skills and capability to discuss technological concepts, without getting lost in technical details
  • Critical thinking, problem-solving capability and goal oriented. 
  • IT Service management (Incident-, Change-, Problem- and Release-Management / ITIL) experience desirable. 
  • Novell eDirectory, NetIQ Identity Manager, SUSE Linux and Windows Server experience are plus.
  • Very good English language skills (written and spoken). 
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Čo ponúkame

  • 13th salary;
  • Performance bonus;
  • Christmas & Easter bonus;
  • Seniority bonus;
  • Flexible working time;
  • Competitive salaries & benefits;
  • Health & wellness (Life Assurance, Private Health and Dental Insurance, Sport activities, Canteen, 24/7 Helpline with Psychologists etc.);
  • Different discounts (tires, glasses, medical, shopping, etc.);
  • Relocation bonus for non-Timisoara Residents;
  • Professional development opportunities (in Technical and Leadership Areas);
  • International Work Environment & Traveling Opportunities.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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