Consultant Purchasing/Full Stack Developer - IT (TM)

Náplň práce

Your vision is ambitious. Just like ours.

As an SAP Purchasing IT department, we pride ourselves on delivering innovative IT solutions that support every phase of the purchasing process. Our global organization and projects are diverse, exciting and full of opportunities to make a real difference. However, what really sets us apart is our exceptional team spirit. We are driven by a shared passion for excellence, striving for shared success based on trust, mutual support and the freedom to take initiative. Together we celebrate our successes and exceed expectations to create impactful solutions. Do you want to accelerate with us? Get started and apply now!

This position would be filled in a global team within Automotive IT – Business Applications with the main responsibility of Purchasing and Procurement.

Main tasks of the team are:

  • Design and implementation of own developed solutions incl. execution and tests to ensure a high-quality standard being compliant with existing standards and regulations (e.g. GDPR, Cyber Security, …)
  • Analysis and consultation in case of requirements from our internal customers (Purchasing and Supply Chain Management organization), in the context of national/international projects based on self-developed solutions within the SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform) with the overarching target to create an integrated platform/solution landscape for our internal customers
  • Participation in international IT projects
  • Maintenance, enhancement and service operation of already existing application during the complete solution lifetime based on the Incident- and Change Management process
  • Creation of technical documentation
  • Investigation of new innovative IT technologies (like AI and Cloud) and creation of rapid prototypes
  • Integration of business applications with other backend applications (SAP and Non-SAP)
  • Close collaboration within a global team as well as with colleagues of other IT areas and our internal customers in an international environment

The mentioned tasks are required to be performed in the design, creation and operation (DevOps) of SAP Fiori Applications on the SAP BTP, HANA Cloud DB and several SAP Systems covering processes of basically all global locations of Continental Automotive.

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Profil kandidáta

  • Degree in computer science, mathematics or comparable or several years of professional experience in this area
  • Good development skills in SAPUI5/Fiori, CAP/CDS, JavaScript (NodeJS)
  • Knowledge in SAP BTP / Cloud and Web technologies
  • Knowledge in purchasing and procurement processes in the automotive industry preferred
  • Business-fluent English skills, written and spoken
  • Result-oriented, independent, and structured working style
  • Distinct capacity in procedural and analytical thinking and fast perception
  • Commitment and flexibility
  • Open-minded for new topics
  • Good communication skills and intercultural competence
  • Willingness for limited travel (up to 20 %)

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Čo ponúkame

What we offer:

Pay for Performance:

  • Achievement Bonuses and Rewards;
  • Relocation Bonus for non-Timisoara Residents;
  • Recommendation Bonuses for new team members;
  • Flexibility Program including flexible hours, mobile work and sabbaticals.


  • Health & Wellness (Private Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Sport activities etc.);
  • Different discounts (glasses, tires, medical, shopping);
  • In-house restaurant & coffee corners.

Life-Long Learning:

  • Technical, Soft Skills & Leadership trainings;
  • Dedicated Programs and Conferences;
  • Free Language Courses (English, German, French etc);
  • Access to e-learning platforms;
  • Career development opportunities (local and international);
  • Internal development communities (Experts, Agile Community of Practice, Artificial Intelligence etc).

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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Upozorňujeme, že prostredníctvom tohto portálu sa môžete prihlásiť len vtedy, ak ste v súčasnosti zamestnaný v spoločnosti Continental. Ak ešte nie ste zamestnancom, tešíme sa na vašu žiadosť prostredníctvom nášho externého pracovného portálu.

Žiadosti prostredníctvom interného pracovného portálu nezakladajú žiadne zákonné práva ani pracovný vzťah.

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Nezabudnite, že o túto internú ponuku práce sa môžu uchádzať iba zamestnanci spoločnosti Continental. Ak by ste sa chceli podeliť o externe zverejnenú pracovnú ponuku s priateľmi, navštívte náš externý pracovný portál.