Function Development Engineer – Motorcycle

Náplň práce

  • ISO conform application of motorcycle control functions in close alignment with customer;
  • Executing vehicle integration tests (system and vehicle);
  • Processing requirements;
  • Executing of HiL tests;
  • Execution of release activities;
  • Installation of measuring equipment in motorcycles;
  • Development activities (logistics, testtracks, bookings,..).
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Profil kandidáta

  • Academic degree in engineering (Software, Mechanical, Transportation,  Mechatronics engineering  or similar)
  • Ability for safe control of motorcycles in dynamic situations;
  • Driver license for passenger car and motorcycles;
  • Fluent English skills;
  • Willingness to travel.


  • Experience in automotive industry (preferably 2 wheelers);
  • Programming knowledge.
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Čo ponúkame

  • Flexible working time
  • Home office opportunity
  • Laptop
  • Private health insurance
  • Cafeteria
  • Bonus system
  • Financial support of commuting costs/weekend travelling costs to permanent address
  • Financial support for families regarding school starting costs
  • Financial support for renting/buying a flat
  • Canteen and coffee bar
  • Company events
  • Parking space for cars and bikes
  • Coaching service

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Talent, creativity and innovative Spirit - you can realise your ideas at Continental, no matter what stage of your career you are in! The key of our reliability besides our 150-year success and extensive know-how is you! We can provide the most innovative solutions in all areas of mobility, Worldwide. Our international team consists more, than 192 000 employees in 58 countries. Experience the freedom of creativity and let’s get the future moving! Become a member of our Continental team in Veszprém!

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