Software Engineer Intern - Ground Truth Framework

Your tasks

Ground Truth Framework team is responsible for developing state of the art LiDAR-based reference systems that enable autonomous decision making. Our work focuses on creating highly accurate hardware and software solutions to validate vehicle intelligence. Working in this team you will be responsible for:

  • Developing LiDAR point cloud handling solutions.
  • Creating enabler and automation tools to optimize workflows.
  • Collaborating with international agile teams.
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Your profile

  • Ongoing studies at a Hungarian university for 6 months at least in a technical area: Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical Engineering or related area.
  • Good programming skills in Python/C++.
  • Collaborative, open-minded, problem-solving attitude.
  • Good command of English language.
  • Able to work 24 hours/week.

Nice to have

  • Experience in LiDAR point cloud processing.
  • Knowledge in OpenCV.
  • Interest in cloud platforms (AWS).
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Čo ponúkame

  • Participation in exciting, highly innovative projects with a leading automotive supplier
  • Excellent career opportunities in a fast-growing business unit
  • An inspiring local team, plus collaboration in our international development network
  • Attractive working conditions including flex time and home office. 

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental, founded in 1871, is a global technology company specializing in sustainable and connected mobility solutions. With 150 years of experience, we provide safe, efficient, and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, and transportation. In 2022, we achieved €39.4 billion in sales, employing over 199,000 people across 57 countries. Our portfolio includes automotive safety, brakes, automation, and communication technologies for vehicles.

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