Project controller-- S2 & S3 China S2&S3 财务控制(芜湖)

Náplň práce

Main Task

1) PCIS calculation with correct input/output - Including Analysis and Business Conclusions
2) Ensure the PCIS output, is fully understood by quote team
3) Preparing RT documents, and later upload the ePCIS into system, and follow up the approval status.
4) Understanding of tools that feed PCIS ( BOM Interface, CT, PCS ) 
5) Provide Cost Break Down to sales
1) Verify the award condition
2) Preparing the award PCIS, share with team including target

3.eCR / PCA
1) Preparing the eCR financial analysis, by supporting from team
2) In case of PCA selected, preparing the financial analysis including support team create action plan, if related.
3) Drive eCR/PCA within Project team

4.Development phase
1) Support PM and update PCIS. 
  • EBIT including target Tracking
  • Contribution Margin – Analyze and propose improvement 
2) Support change request from internal/external, and guide team to fulfill the LOPO and target. 
3) Prepare Financial Summaries and Bridge for Management Meetings 
4) Self driven and active involvement in cost improvement ideas
5) Other activities request by BD/PM

5.Serial Project
Supporting Customer Center Controller on analysis and improving actual contribution margin for serial products, in case of special requirement

1) Guide team to comply Continental procedure / legal requirements (ie. Open Book Policy)
2) Overall commercial sense for guiding business fitting organization goal (Cash, Asset management ...)
3) Business case approach when requested by management
4) Support claim calculation

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Profil kandidáta

1.MS Office - Excel, PowerPoint-- Advanced

2.Business English-- Advanced

3.Communication Skill--Advanced

4.Presentation Skill--Basic

5.Intercultural Knowledge--Basic

6.Understanding Conti Organization & Communication Matrix--Basic

7.Product Know-how--Basic

8.PLC  Procedure--Advanced

9.Related TC tools and output -Advanced

10.Understanding Legal issue--Basic

11.Understanding Continental Tools - PCIS, GPS, ePSR, CUPA,--Expert

12.Continental Guideline - related to Finance & Controlling-- Expert

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