Global Category Lead Buyer- SNAP APAC

Náplň práce

▪ Develop a material and supplier strategy. Conduct market analysis including scanning new suppliers, ensure that Continentals requirements are reflected in the strategy, drive the strategy definition process with cross-functional partners, Document and implement the strategy in all BAs worldwide

▪ Conduct supplier evaluation and reflect its result into supplier strategy

▪ Drive negotiations to constantly improve the cost situation of ContiTech with the support of cross-functions

▪ Develop new sourcing markets and a global bundle opportunity cross all BAs 

▪ Develop and execute state of the art negotiation concepts

▪ Negotiate non conformance cost with suppliers

▪Ensure fulfillment of all necessary requirements by negotiating and concluding legally binding contracts with the respective suppliers

▪Ensure the supplier contracts to be documented and issued on time

▪Ensure in time implementation of correct Purchasing data in the respective IT-systems

▪Responsibility for monthly controlling and correction of local data and target achievement

▪Actively influence the sourcing process through Supplier selection, Negotiation of prices & closure of contracts, and Sourcing decision

▪Bundle the whole demand of ContiTech for own category

▪ Leading ad-hoc projects Globally or per BA related to Reinforcements

▪ Leading Cost-out projects, shortages and crisis management relating to Reinforcements

▪ Support re-design or the cost saving activities

▪ Drive improvement programs with suppliers

▪ Support of material price planning and definition of forecasts for annual rebates and material price deviations

▪ Ensuring short- mid- and long-term material supply of all related production facilities under consideration of optimized cost, quality and technological aspects

▪ Internal and external correspondence for the area of responsibility, close communication with production, R&D and quality department

▪Secure the supplies of production material on time

▪Support plants in respect of procurement or other related topics 

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Profil kandidáta

Usage of Contitech Purchasing Processes;
Purchasing and Negotiation skills;
Communication skills, including Presentation and Negotiation techniques to operate in different cultures;
Analytical problem solving and ability for strategic thinking;
Usage of IT Tools (SAP, Supply ON, MS Office, Fides);                                    
Understanding of supply chain procedures;                                    
Market knowledge;                                    
Technical understanding of specific components;                                    
Commercial knowledge, includes contract law etc;

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Čo ponúkame

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O nás

Continental Group:

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2023, Continental generated preliminary sales of €41.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 56 countries and markets.

Since starting its business in China in 1994, Continental serves all major OEMs across all vehicle segments. We also develop and produce materials, functional parts, components, and systems for railway, machinery, mining and other important industries. So far, Continental has expanded its presence in 23 production locations and 28 R&D centers, representing a workforce of around 17,600 in the country. Continental offers market specific solutions to the Chinese market.

ContiTech Group Sector:

ContiTech is one of the world's leading industry experts. Far beyond our roots as a rubber products manufacturer, we offer connected, environment-friendly, safe and convenient industry and service solutions using a range of materials for off-highway applications, on rails and roads, in the air, under and above the ground, in industrial environments, for the food industry and the furniture industry. As a group sector of Continental, ContiTech currently employs more than 40,000 people in 40 countries and regions and is active as a global industrial partner in Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

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