IT Specialist

Náplň práce

  • Ensures stable operation and monitoring of the whole LAN/MAN in Otrokovice (plant, sales, mould production, CTS, warehouses, CVUK)
  • Participates in 24x7x365 LAN operations support for OT plant location
  • Continuosly analyze performance and stability of the LAN in OT in order to improve stability and reliability of the network.
  • Maps, analyzes and define required extensions and/or modifications of LAN in Otrokovice’s plant+warehouses area.
  • Communicates with other departments and helps them to define their needs in the area of the IT LAN connection with focus to cybersecurity aspects.
  • Cooperates with other departments in order to smoothly prepare and realize extension projects and new machines or technological units instalations with focus to ensure the LAN uninterupted operation, stability and security.
  • Monitor and analyze needs in area of OT DataCenters LAN operations & facility management (DC routing and switching, SAN, powering, Aircondition, space etc.) in order to define necesary improvement steps.
  • Manage selected suppliers during DataCenters improvements extensions and maintenance.
  • Communicate and cooperate with external suppliers in the area of Continental eWAN connection for Otrokovice and respektive RDCs in Czech republic.
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Profil kandidáta

  • English language: B2
  • Czech language:  B2
  • IT skills: MS Office, LAN passive and active components
  • Detailed knowledge of existing passive and active LAN layout and design for the whole Otrokovice MAN incl. External warehouses and CVUK
  • Detailed knowledge of existing Datacenters facility environment in OT plant
  • Expert level knowledge of the Cisco active LAN technologies
  • Flexibility, commitment and ability to work in team
  • Ability to communicate and cooperate with the central infrastructure LAN team
  • Structured communication skills and open-mindedness
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Čo ponúkame

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O nás

With more than 250,000 employees worldwide, Continental is one of the global leaders in tyre development and production. We have also embraced the trend towards digitalisation. In Otrokovice, we have one of the world's largest production sites.

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