Global Category Lead Energy AMERICAS for ContiTech - SR Buyer NPM

Náplň práce

Missions and Purpose of this position: 

ONE ContiTech – The first choice for material driven solutions.  

Are you interested in shaping the future of ContiTech together with a great team? 

Please join us and contribute to our goals with your new role as Global Category Lead Energy AMERICAS within Purchasing@ContiTech. 

The Global Category Lead Manager Energy is responsible for the worldwide Strategic Sourcing of Energy and Decarbonization Subjects for ContiTech. 

The Global Category approach creates a mutual added Value for all internal Customers in terms of commercial, logistical and processual Enhancements by providing Expertise and Best Practices around the needs of the internal Customers as well as strengthening the relationship to strategic Business Partners (internally and externally). 

Your tasks 

  • PURCHASING STRATEGY: Development and implementation of Purchasing Strategies in alignment with all respective stakeholders. 

  • SOURCING PROJECTS: Push and guide the identification, initiation and tendering of global and regional Projects in cooperation with our internal Customers and the respective purchasing responsible functions (e. g. Regional Categories, Sourcing Centers, etc.). 

  • LEADING: Managing the Regional roles assigned to that position based on the leadership principles of ContiTech. 

  • POOLING & SUPPLIER REDUCTION: Push the Execution of Market Intelligence studies and ensure the ideal balance of Competition and Pooling through supplier reduction to achieve a maximum cost reduction contribution and best possible synergy effects. 

  • SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT: Prioritize the development and promotion of Global Strategic Suppliers based on our requirements (SRM, Sustainability, Quality). Support Strategic Supplier Meetings helping to achieve additional benefits in the future.  

  • CONTRACTS: Target on increasing number of favorable Global and Regional Price and Framework Agreements in legal, logistical and commercial terms in close alignment with stakeholders and assure the implementation in respective regions. 

  • KPI’s:  Define, implement and track relevant KPI´s on a global scale according to the ContiTech Target & KPI settings and process. 

  • COMPLIANCE: Ensure Compliance with Business Partner Code of Conduct, Continental Ethics and Values and all Corporate Guidelines. 

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Profil kandidáta

  • Bachelor´s degree completed in business administration, engineering or comparable qualification 

  • Experience in Purchasing of large companies with international background, preferably in Energy Sourcing in technical purchasing (NPM area) with verifiable success

  • Experience in project management 

  • Leadership experiences mandatory  

  • Knowledge of MS Office tools as well as in SAP R/3 and World Class Sourcing Platforms 

  • Fluent level of english. ( Interviews will be in english )  

  • Affinity for cooperation with people and intercultural competences 

  • Strong negotiating skills, persuasion and communication skills 

  • Creativity, reliability, integrity, teamwork, operates with global perspective 

  • Willingness to travel worldwide

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Čo ponúkame

At Continental we are committed to building an inclusive and discrimination-free ecosystem in Mexico, these principles are rooted in our corporate philosophy and culture. Therefore, it is totally forbidden to request a pregnancy or HIV test as part of our selection processes.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2021, Continental generated sales of €33.8 billion and currently employs more than 190,000 people in 58 countries and markets. On October 8, 2021, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary.

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