HR IT Engineer Architecture & Integration (m/f/diverse) - REF75166S

Náplň práce

We are seeking an experienced HR IT Engineer to serve as an Enterprise Architect with a focus on SAP and full-stack architecture, integration, and implementation. The successful candidate will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining the overall architecture of our HR IT landscape, with a focus on SAP HCM, as well as SAP SuccessFactors. This role will work closely with HR, IT, and other stakeholders to ensure seamless integration and utilization of the system.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Developing and Implementing Release Management and Migration Strategies for HR IT SAP system landscape (Cloud, Hybrid and onPrem )
  • Consulting on Business Transformation, Transition and Target Architecture Management
  • System and Process Monitoring
  • Developing and maintaining a deep understanding of SAP Cloud Platform, including SAP Cloud Foundry, SAP Cloud Platform Integration, and SAP Cloud Platform API Management.
  • Governance of our Landscape via IT System and Process Monitoring
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in HR IT
  • Ensuring Second Line of Defense with compliant system landscape and architecture
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams to design and implement HR IT infrastructure
  • Providing technical leadership and guidance to junior team members
  • Responsibility for managing external service providers

The position can be staffed in either Frankfurt, Regensburg or Hannover. 

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Profil kandidáta

  • Academic Degree in IT or comparable qualification
  • Several years of professional experience in IT Management
  • Profound Knowledge in IT Enterprise Architecture for SAP HCM with SAP onPrem and SAP Cloud
  • Know-How on Platform Architecture
  • Sound knowledge of SAP HCM, SuccessFactors and the relevant SAP cloud and on-premise solutions
  • Understanding of enterprise architecture frameworks (e.g. TOGAF, Zachman) and their application in practice
  • Knowledge of middleware technologies and APIs (e.g. REST, SOAP)
  • Understanding of security protocols, authentication mechanisms and data protection requirements
  • Experience with SAP integration platforms (e.g. SAP PI/PO, SAP Cloud Platform Integration
  • Strong analytical skills and innovative thinking
  • Ability to deliver complex technical concepts 
  • Strong negotiation skills and profound communication skills

Applications from severely handicapped people are welcome.

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Čo ponúkame

Your vision is ambitious. Just like ours.

As HR IT department, we take pride in delivering innovative IT solutions that support every stage of the employee lifecycle. Our global operations and projects are diverse, exciting, and filled with opportunities to make a real impact. What truly sets us apart, however, is our exceptional team spirit. We are driven by a shared passion for excellence, striving for shared success, built on trust, mutual support, and the freedom to take initiative. Together, we celebrate our achievements and continuously push boundaries to create impactful solutions.

The well-being of our employees is important to us. That's why we offer exciting career prospects and support you in achieving a good work-life balance with additional benefits such as:

  • Training opportunities
  • Mobile and flexible working models
  • Sabbaticals
  • and much more...

Sounds interesting for you? Click here to find out more.

You are looking for an individual working time model? We support part-time work.

You would like to learn more about our additional services? Click here. 

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2022, Continental generated sales of €39.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 57 countries and markets.

The Automotive group sector comprises technologies for passive safety, brake, chassis, motion and motion control systems. Innovative solutions for assisted and automated driving, display and operating technologies, as well as audio and camera solutions for the vehicle interior, are also part of the portfolio, as is intelligent information and communication technology for the mobility services of fleet operators and commercial vehicle manufacturers. Comprehensive activities relating to connectivity technologies, vehicle electronics and high-performance computers round off the range of products and services.

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