Purchasing Buyer- Non Production Materials

Náplň práce

Purchasing Buyer- Non Production Materials

Defining and initiating of sourcing and procurement strategies and providing project support to ensure the long-term, cost-effective supply of materials or services. Initiate purchasing processes and execute approaches to problem-solving to secure plant objectives. 

Drive spend automation through increasing CEOS catalogue procurement in driving overall procurement effectiveness.

Sourcing, contract and price negotiations for purchasing requests with a higher volume or complexity, and purchasing projects to contribute to the profitability of the company. Analysis and controlling of contractual agreements to prepare renegotiations/subsequent negotiations, initiate appropriate measures and guarantee supplies.

Initiate and manage supplier quality improvement programs and alternative source of supply (in conjunction with partner functions, such as Plant Operations team members and Services Branches, etc.) to win and develop the best suppliers and to establish an optimum supply chain.

Regular contacts with interface partners to recognize developments (in market, demand, etc.) and exert influence accordingly. Conduct market intelligence study and management reports accordingly. 

Regular meetings with plant key internal customers and supplier network.

Support Global Category Manager with identifying opportunities in pooling demand and increasing automated spend.

› ensure implementation of measures and maintain controls

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Profil kandidáta

Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Purchasing/Supply Chain in a Purchasing / Procurement function of Non-Production Materials (NPM) & Services or relevant qualification.


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Čo ponúkame

5+ years of working or involved in a purchasing/procurement function in Manufacturing industry.
Preferred have experience in sourcing for Capital Goods, Auxiliary Supplies & Services, Packaging, Equipment's.

Preferably with MM Knowledge of SAP.

Preferred having working experience in a multi-cultural and international environment

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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