Materials Planner Analyst

Náplň práce

We are seeking a detail-oriented and proactive Materials Planner Analyst to join our team. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning and forecasting the right volumes of materials, goods, and products inbound to the business from its supply chain companies to meet business needs and objectives.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Forecasting and Planning: Analyze data to forecast demand for raw materials, ensuring alignment with demand planners, local planners, manufacturing, quality, and other related staff.
  • Inventory Management: Monitor inventory levels, report on movements, and ensure compliance with consignment agreements.
  • Supplier Administration: Work with suppliers to ensure timely delivery of materials, negotiate prices, delivery dates, and terms of payment.
  • Order Management: Approve parts or material requisitions, initiate production and purchase change orders, and resolve scheduling or material requirements issues.
  • Data Analysis: Use tools like SAP, Excel, and other analysis tools to blend and analyze data for better decision-making.
  • Change Management: Support all change management activities impacting sites and suppliers.
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Profil kandidáta

  • Education: Bachelor's degree in Business, Engineering, Supply Chain Management, or a related field.
  • Experience: Experience with Material Requirements Planning (MRP) tools, preferably SAP.
  • Skills: Strong analytical skills, proficiency in MS Office, and knowledge of production scheduling and capacity management.
  • Language: Advanced proficiency in English, both written and spoken.


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    Čo ponúkame

    Desired Skills:

    • Knowledge of global trade policies and economic factors.
    • Ability to generate ideas and solve problems of varying scope and complexity.
    • Strong communication and negotiation skills.

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