Team Leader

Náplň práce


    • Carry out the operations in base of work instructions, parameters and supervisor's instructions previously established.
    • Detect and reporting defects in the products, escalated quality problems and participate actively in reduction of quality problems
    • Commitment to the company: ensuring that production goals of his machine or process are met during his turn, according to the provisions of the management division regarding productivity and quality
    • Participate actively in workshop and participate in the reduction of act or insecure conditions inside of the production areas the care of the machines in their areas of work, detecting problems or unusual noise in machinery and reporting conditions in maintenance first level records or the generation of maintenance work orders.
    • Makes suggestion for improvement of process, efficiency and cost. Improve the team work and manage theirs teams to reduce the absence.
    • Participate in meetings in start of shift and give them information to have good performance in the shift.
    • Monitoring and Tracking Cleaning and fulfill order change in time. Give Support to training of new workers
    • Report immediately problems with machinery, material or services as well as risk in safety

                           and targets of production or quality.



  • Take care of safety personal equipment, tools and machinery on charge.
  • Carry out the change of shift with the next machine leader, give him all information to continue with the  production.
  • Participate actively in the continuous improvement process in quality, safety, environment and health.




  • Stop the machine when there are problems with quality of product or personal safety.
  • Is responsible to get and approve the first piece in order to start the production.
  • Is responsible to fill out all necessary records in the machine, production reports, parameters records.



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Profil kandidáta

DME & Other Diploma 

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Čo ponúkame


  • Excellent communication and leadership skills
  • Strong technical assembly and analytical skills
  • MRP/ERP experience a plus
  • Lean Manufacturing experience a plus

TYPICAL EDUCATION:           Degree in related field or equivalent work experience

TYPICAL EXPERIENCE:         6+ years experience in a manufacturing leadership role

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental Surface solutions India  Pvt Ltd 

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