Labor Relations & Standards APAC

Náplň práce

  • Supports to develop and deploy LR strategy in all locations.
  • Responsible for advising, coordinating, and communicating labor strategy, initiatives and bargaining results to location management.
  • Provides advice and support to locations pertaining to HR activities including Labor Relations, Employee Relations, Human Rights, Responsible Value Chain.
  • Supports responsible location HR Managers and Site Management regarding LR topics.
  • Supports implementation of programs and policies to ensure compliance with all applicable (e.g. Country, State, and/or local governmental) employment regulations.
  • Participation in local labor negotiations as a representative of the organization in collective bargaining contract negotiations, contract administration and union relations.
  • Coordinate all relevant activities within the region by building up a LR network with LR local experts to exchange experiences/knowledge and share best practices.
  • Responds together with HR and (if applicable) external Lawyers to legal issues such as employee complaints, harassment allegations, civil rights, complaints, discrimination charges etc.
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Profil kandidáta

  • Qualification; Degree in Law (LLB / PGD in Law)
  • 2-3 years experience in comparable role or with focus on labor and employee relations 
  • Preferred: some years of HR experience
  • Intercultural communications skills
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Čo ponúkame

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O nás

Continental entwickelt wegweisende Technologien und Dienste für die nachhaltige und vernetzte Mobilität der Menschen und ihrer Güter. Das 1871 gegründete Technologieunternehmen bietet sichere, effiziente, intelligente und erschwingliche Lösungen für Fahrzeuge, Maschinen, Verkehr und Transport. Continental erzielte 2021 einen Umsatz von 33,8 Milliarden Euro und beschäftigt aktuell mehr als 190.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in 58 Ländern und Märkten. Am 8. Oktober 2021 hat das Unternehmen sein 150-jähriges Jubiläum gefeiert.

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