COD Manager

Náplň práce

Managing all activities related to customers Orders,  interface with market, & Plant cross functions for order creation,  order maintenance,  order execution, plant direct shipments related to PLT,CVT RE & OE. Accountable for the achievement of the yearly and monthly Sales Target/Forecast with COD team reporting to this function. Cultivating a service oriented enviroment. Review order fulfillment strategy, policy with stakeholder in relation to business plan. Take lead in increasing adoption of automation in order management function. Drive system based enhancements of all aspects of SAP SD Module. Ensure compliance to order to Cash Processes.

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Profil kandidáta

Degree in Business/Management Studies, and at least 5 years related working experience in Order Fulfilment/management or Supply Chain Management overall 6-8 yrs experience

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Čo ponúkame

Must have a strong analytical and planning skills and possess excellent communciation and influencing skills; with the abiltiy to work well at all levels.  Must be able to work under pressure and tight deadlines and the ability to cope well with ambiguity.  Must be proficient in using SAP/ERP.

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O nás

Continental India Pvt. Ltd.

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