(Senior) Consultant SAP-SD

Náplň práce

Continental’s digital capabilities are growing every day. Our Sales, Logistics and Finance IT competence center is the tech-foundation and the backbone of our worldwide Tires business. 

In our daily work we manage service requests from our internal and external stakeholders and engage in the steady development of our SAP platforms. As a bridge between business needs and IT development, our global department acts as a worldwide player to enable Continental’s success in the Tires group. 

As part of our continuous growing business, we are looking for an experienced SAP-SD Consultant for our central IT Tires department in Lousado, Portugal. 

Key responsibilities:

  • Implementation of SD solutions related to projects, process optimization, change and service requests and incidents;
  • Collaborating with internal customers to consult, support and implement the Tires business strategies and to continuously optimize the existing SD solutions in projects all over the world;
  • Maintaining, reviewing, and enhancing SD application scenarios;
  • Developing in ABAP/ABAP-OO and customize using SAP standard;
  • Handling SAP interfaces to connected systems;
  • Managing problems and errors incl. root cause analysis, development, verification, and implementation of solution proposals;
  • Documenting IT related solutions, functions, and processes;
  • Transferring knowledge to incorporated departments.


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Profil kandidáta

  • Academic degree in Information Systems, Business Informatics, Economics, or other relevant field of study;
  • >3 years of experience as SAP SD consultant, preferably in an international operating company or in the automotive industry;    
  • Good knowledge of the SAP module SD related customizing and sales and distribution processes;
  • Experienced in ABAP, ABAP-OO and technical interfaces;
  • Qualified to assess and implement SAP solutions with various partners;
  • Proficient English skills (both speaking and writing);
  • Analytical skills and self-determined, solution-oriented working style;
  • Team player in an intercultural environment;
  • Willingness to travel to a small degree (up to 10 %).
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Čo ponúkame

  • Integration in a dynamic international work environment;
  • Flexible working model;
  • Continuous opportunities for the promotion of talent and training.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2023, Continental generated sales of €41.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 56 countries and markets.

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