Digital Solutions Technical Analyst

Náplň práce

Responsible for supporting the sales team and monitoring active customers based on ContiConnect system usage reports. Profile creation of customers and access users. Preparation of visit reports. Be a multiplier of knowledge of Continental tools both internally and externally.

Provide technical support to the entire customer base nationwide, both fleet and resale. Internally support technically the business of digital solutions such as: creating users, generating customer performance reports, monitoring monthly fees and charges, following the visit guidance prepared by the supervisor.

Customer guidance, through monitoring ContiConnect. Be familiar with the system to support customer and sales team demands. Monitor client development and, as a consequence, prepare and send technical reports with instructions for best practices.

Provide theoretical and practical training to the fleet and dealership management team, upon requests from the sales team.

Installation of equipment in vehicles and/or garage or truck center. Defining the best location and positioning of equipment, to guarantee functionality. Electrical understanding of how to route the cabling of system parts.

Issuance of warranty reports, through analysis of products claimed by the customer.

Collection of data on the performance of Continental products and competition in the market to assist Engineering and Customer Service, with the purpose of product improvement

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Profil kandidáta

  • Complete high school
  • Higher education (completed or in progress)
  • Intermediate computer knowledge
  • Knowledge of office softwares - Intermediate
  • Knowledge of vehicle electrical and electronics - Basic
  • Technical knowledge of cargo tires in the fleet (DOT/Tire ID/CPK/Scrap analysis) - Basic
  • Experience with customers (internal and external)
  • English - Differential


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Čo ponúkame

  • Availability for national travel

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2022, Continental generated sales of €39.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 57 countries and markets.

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Upozorňujeme, že prostredníctvom tohto portálu sa môžete prihlásiť len vtedy, ak ste v súčasnosti zamestnaný v spoločnosti Continental. Ak ešte nie ste zamestnancom, tešíme sa na vašu žiadosť prostredníctvom nášho externého pracovného portálu.

Žiadosti prostredníctvom interného pracovného portálu nezakladajú žiadne zákonné práva ani pracovný vzťah.

Zdieľajte tento príspevok so svojimi kolegami

Ak chcete zdieľať túto ponuku práce, jednoducho skopírujte URL adresu tejto stránky a zdieľajte ju so svojimi kolegami prostredníctvom e-mailu alebo Teams.

Nezabudnite, že o túto internú ponuku práce sa môžu uchádzať iba zamestnanci spoločnosti Continental. Ak by ste sa chceli podeliť o externe zverejnenú pracovnú ponuku s priateľmi, navštívte náš externý pracovný portál.