Specialist Purchasing standards, processes and systems BA OESL

Náplň práce

Main tasks:

  • Ensuring the sustainable operations of systems and processes for OESL Purchasing Organizations.
  • Drive efficiency, compliance, and smooth processes for all impacted stakeholder groups by continuous improvement of service and consultancy provided as well as for the supported tools and interfaces.
  • Participating and supporting projects streamlining and standardizing the entire procure-to-pay process, and reducing administrative work and effort. Automating purchasing processes.
  • Responsible for analyses, changes, corrections, and new creations of attributes and master data for Continental locations.
  • Performs user administration in different tools (e.g. CEOS, SAP, Modias, Wise, catalog management systems, catalog distribution systems and catalog ordering systems, MS Forms...etc.).
  • Responsible for testing new software applications upon request to ensure transitions and support the roll-out according to company rules, policies, and local legal requirements.
  • Responsible for the maintenance, monitoring, and fluent data transfers to externally connected systems.
  • Responsible for taking and introducing immediate countermeasures in case of any outages identified if the fix is not available yet.
  • Responsible for sustainable EDI connection as a service for externally connected systems.
  • Responsible for continuously monitoring compliance and data quality on systems and ensuring corrections and cleanup.
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Profil kandidáta

We are looking for:

  • University degree (e.g., Degree in Economics, Technics) or relevant experience.
  • 4+ years of relevant experience (IT technical support, Business Customer Support, Logistics, Purchasing and purchasing processes, Project management)
  • Good understanding of cultural aspects and sensitivity in communication.
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Čo ponúkame

What we offer:

  • The 13-th salary – Paid once a year, in December;
  • Meal tickets - With a value of 40 Ron;
  • Hybrid schedule – Work-life balance is important, so we offer a flexible schedule. Please agree on this with your superior;
  • Private Health Insurance – Health is the most important, so we offer you a medical subscription through Signal Iduna;
  • Referral bonuses - We encourage colleagues to refer new candidates to us and, at the same time, to get the chance to receive a bonus;
  • Bookster – Feed your body and your mind. You can borrow books and you’ll receive them at the office;
  • Sports benefits- It’s important to stay active, so we offer you the 7Card;
  • Discounts at our partners – We collaborate with different vendors, and we receive discounts for various products/ services like rubbers, restaurants, kindergartens etc;
  • System for Rewarding Improvement Ideas – We have an internal improvement program (Continental Idea Management) that gives you the opportunity to come with ideas and to be honored with an attractive bonus (this is established by the CIM team according to your improvement idea);
  • Happy days – If you or your child is getting married, or you become a parent, you receive some extra free days;
  • Life events celebration - If your family is growing, we praise your newborn with a bonus;
  • Unfortunate events - In case of unhappy events in your life, we support you by offering you free days and financial support (handled on a caseby-case basis);
  • Extra vacation days – You begin with 22 vacation days/year, and starting with the 3rd year with us, we offer you 1 more day of vacation and, afterwards from 2 to 2 years you’ll get one more extra day (the maximum you can achieve is 27);
  • Transport from Timisoara area – You can choose to come with the bus provided by the company if you’ll work from the plant location/office;
  • Professional development - Many opportunities to develop yourself within the company;
  • Diversity and multicultural mindset - We encourage you to join us no matter who, where, what you are. We have colleagues from different nations and a variety of languages are spoken in our company.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

OESL – Original Equipment Solutions, For Future Mobility.

Are you ready to move ForwardTogether with a global, dedicated, and experienced team? 

Join us and take the opportunity to contribute to our future in the fundamentally changing automotive industry with your new role as Specialist Purchasing standards, processes and systems BA OESL in the stand-alone Business Area Original Equipment Solutions. Your new place to work is flexible and will be defined later (hybrid).

About Original Equipment Solutions:

With more than 17.000 employees and around 2bn€ sales, present in 15 countries with 35 locations and tech centers – OESL is a global player in the automotive sector with extended material competence in rubber, plastic, and metal, serving all major OEM’s and commercial vehicle customers’ needs with millions of parts in high quality.

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Upozorňujeme, že prostredníctvom tohto portálu sa môžete prihlásiť len vtedy, ak ste v súčasnosti zamestnaný v spoločnosti Continental. Ak ešte nie ste zamestnancom, tešíme sa na vašu žiadosť prostredníctvom nášho externého pracovného portálu.

Žiadosti prostredníctvom interného pracovného portálu nezakladajú žiadne zákonné práva ani pracovný vzťah.

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Nezabudnite, že o túto internú ponuku práce sa môžu uchádzať iba zamestnanci spoločnosti Continental. Ak by ste sa chceli podeliť o externe zverejnenú pracovnú ponuku s priateľmi, navštívte náš externý pracovný portál.