Team member - Maintenance Electrical

Náplň práce

1) Comply with company safety guidelines and procedures and customer regulations and policies.

2) Ensuring personel, team & functional requirements towards safety are followed & met referring to all applicable standards .

3) Maintaining the safety culture & Awareness on Safety work practices.

4) Maintenance and troubleshooting of plant machines & equipments

5) Advantage if experience in Maintenance and troubleshooting of Utilities & facilities- Like- Exhaust systems, Power system & power cabinets, Plant Utilities, Diesel Generator, ETP & STP, HVAC, Cooling towers & Ventilation systems, MHE's 

6) Added advantage if having experience in coating, printing and embossing machines.

7) Projects contribution, Support & execution, Understanding of Drawings

8) PLC ladder & SCADA expertise to understand electrical / electronic circuits and trouble shooting

9) Advantage if experience on Fire Protection (hydrant, detection) System & its accessories

10) Maintaining & contributing for Safety standards, Statutory Requirement, validation  & ensuring meeting required Quality Standards in day to day activity

11) Planning spares, Spare receipt, consumption record keeping & monitoring spares inventory

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Profil kandidáta

Diploma in Electrical (4 - 5 Yrs Exp), 

Added advantage if experience in polymer & has awareness on SAP PM module

Must have completed an apprenticeship in an reputed organization

Work in all shifts flexibly when job demand

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Čo ponúkame

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Surface Solutions – we design and manufacture surface materials for the automotive and other industries.  We offer smart solutions combining innovative technologies with high-quality, sustainable and creative designs for a wide range of applications.

A global organization with production plants, sales offices and joint representatives in more than 80 countries, we are available locally to our customers across the world in our capacity as specialists in surfaces and coated fabrics. This allows us to provide the best possible service to our customers and cater to their individual requests.

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