Smart Factory Engineer - Greenfield

Náplň práce

  • Consult the business in the area of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and Smart Factory solutions.
  • Responsibility for the development, provision, implementation, and support of business solutions in the area of Manufacturing IT Applications (e. g. SAP ME, MES, Manufacturing Service Bus, mixing solutions, Smart Factory).
  • Support the digital transformation of the business with digitalization solutions.
  • IT Ownership of related applications and responsibility to coordinate all infrastructure and other issue related activities.
  • Implement and refine IT best practices in the relevant areas: project management, portfolio management, service management.
  • Foster collaboration and cooperation with other teams and competence centers.
  • Support to evaluate and to select potential suppliers.
  • Support to stee and control external providers to ensure optimal world-wide service provisioning.
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Profil kandidáta

  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in information & Communication Technology or related field or a comparable qualification.
  • 3-4 years in  IT or industry working experience and experience with Smart Factory minimum 2 years.
  • Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 knowledge.
  • Certification in SAP and SAP ME experience preferred.
  • Business-fluent English language skills (written and spoken).
  • Analytical thinking as well as an independent and structured work style.
  • Strong communication and team player skills.
  • Openness to international business trips.
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Čo ponúkame

En Continental estamos comprometidos con la construcción de un ecosistema incluyente y libre de discriminación en México, estos principios se encuentran asentados en nuestra filosofía y cultura corporativa. Por lo cual, queda totalmente prohibido solicitar prueba de embarazo o VIH como parte de nuestros procesos de selección.


Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental desarrolla tecnologías y servicios vanguardistas para la movilidad sostenible e interconectada de personas y bienes. Fundada en 1871, la empresa de tecnología ofrece soluciones seguras, eficientes, inteligentes y asequibles para vehículos, máquinas, tráfico y transporte. En 2022, Continental generó ventas por 39 400 millones de euros y actualmente emplea a unas 200 000 personas en 57 países y mercados. 

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