Intern of Treasury & Credit Mgt, Asia

Your tasks

1. Team administration: - Administrative support for team (mailing, meeting preparation, etc.); - Filing and documentation.

2. Treasury reporting automation & data modelling: - Build up automated tools or solutions for treasury reporting; - Other treasury management related assignments.

3. Credit management support: - Market research on divergent mobility group - Maintain and update customer database; - Other credit management related assignments.

4. Market analysis and knowledge management: - Support regular and ad-hoc projects & analysis - Data collection & sorting from WIND, Bloomberg, research institutions, open market information, etc.

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Your profile

1. Bachelor or Master degree.

2. Major in Financial Engineering / Statistics / Finance / Mathematics / Software Engineering or other related areas, Financial Engineering related areas preferred.

3. A good command of programming or excellent skills in macro (MS Excel) is a must.

4. A good command of English in reading and writing.

5. Strong sense of responsibility and patient. 6. At least 3 days a week, at least 6 months.

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