Technical Regulations Analyst

Náplň práce

The Technical Regulations Analyst is responsible to evaluate and document relevance of Legal Technical Regulations, Standards for Group Sector and/or BA product portfolio in alignment with affected Segments, Markets, Products and/or Projects.
If required, the TRA also enriches the analysis documentation according to organizational, product, project and/or process specific needs.
This can also be, for example, a singularization of certain relevant requirements and make them usable Requirements Objects with relevance for a specific Product, Project and/or Process.

The TRA leads the prevention of risks for the entire corporation and all employees from potential technical non-Compliances (“license to operate”).
They also deal with growing regulatory complexity for products and product-related services in all relevant markets by analyzing relevant LTRs/ Standards.

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Profil kandidáta

  • Process & IT know- how in Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Supplier Quality Mgmt., Product Verification & Validation, Product Homologation & Certification
  • Experience in using expert systems which support Requirements Elicitation and Analysis
  • Advanced knowledge of the subject Legal Technical Regulations and National and International Standards
  • Analytical and structured workstyle, model compliance with administration rules
  • Business fluency in English mandatory (any additional language is appreciated)
  • Academic Degree in Science or Engineering or adequate experience in Chemistry and Mechanics
  • > 5 years working experience in the area of R&D or Quality in the area of Mobility and/ or Material
  • Experiences in the analysis of technical regulations dealing with Product Safety/ Product Conformity/ Product Cyber Security& Privacy / Product Environmental Compliance or related field 


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