BME Job Fair 2025 - Keep us on your radar!

Náplň práce

Thank you very much for visiting our booth at the BME Job Fair on 11-12 March, 2025! We really hope you enjoyed the conversation with our dedicated colleagues.
If you would like to keep in touch with us, but could not find the perfect job opening so far, do not worry! Send us your application here and let's meet in a future recruitment process! 

Keep us on your radar, thank you very much for your kind interest, and hope to meeting you soon again, 
the team of Continental Autonomous Mobility Hungary Kft.

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Profil kandidáta

Some of our focus areas and keywords:

- Deep Learning, Machine Learning, AI, neural networks
- Computer Vision
- Sensor Fusion
- Data Engineering
- DevOps
- Infrastructure Engineering
- Algorithm Development
- Software Development
- Software Testing
- Vehicle Testing & Integration

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Čo ponúkame

  • Competitive compensation and a wide range of benefits, including:
    • Bonus system
    • Annual flexible benefit (Cafeteria)
    • Private health insurance
    • Employee discounts
    • Sport pass support
  • Flexible work-from-home arrangements 
  • Continuous development with access to numerous trainings, including technical skills, soft skills and language skills
  • Personal career development and a challenging role with end-to-end responsibility
  • Opportunity to see your ideas turn into reality with our test vehicles
  • Ability to directly deliver software into real, innovative products
  • Easily accessible office location in downtown Budapest (near Kálvin square). 

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental, founded in 1871, is a global technology company specializing in sustainable and connected mobility solutions. With 150 years of experience, we provide safe, efficient, and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, and transportation. In 2022, we achieved €39.4 billion in sales, employing over 199,000 people across 57 countries. Our portfolio includes automotive safety, brakes, automation, and communication technologies for vehicles.

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Upozorňujeme, že prostredníctvom tohto portálu sa môžete prihlásiť len vtedy, ak ste v súčasnosti zamestnaný v spoločnosti Continental. Ak ešte nie ste zamestnancom, tešíme sa na vašu žiadosť prostredníctvom nášho externého pracovného portálu.

Žiadosti prostredníctvom interného pracovného portálu nezakladajú žiadne zákonné práva ani pracovný vzťah.

Zdieľajte tento príspevok so svojimi kolegami

Ak chcete zdieľať túto ponuku práce, jednoducho skopírujte URL adresu tejto stránky a zdieľajte ju so svojimi kolegami prostredníctvom e-mailu alebo Teams.

Nezabudnite, že o túto internú ponuku práce sa môžu uchádzať iba zamestnanci spoločnosti Continental. Ak by ste sa chceli podeliť o externe zverejnenú pracovnú ponuku s priateľmi, navštívte náš externý pracovný portál.