Category Purchaser

Náplň práce

1、Definition of the supplier strategy and market analysis reflecting Business Units requirements

2、'Performing annual price and contract negotiations

3、Implementing innovative negotiation concepts during sourcing to create the basis for procurement success

4、Supplier management in conjunction with cross- functional partners, such as R&D, Quality Assurance, and Logistics to select and develop the best suppliers and to establish an optimum supply chain  ,

5、Support improvement programs with Suppliers and Business Units (e.g. Design to Cost, Cost down measures, Introduction of new technologies, etc.)

6、'Planning, steering and monitoring of material field-specific targets, their implementation and results

7、'Compiling and presenting information related to sourcing process to management committees

 8、'Strong team contributor, comfortable in leading, collaborating, with cross functional and multi-cultural teams in a highly active, fast paced environment across multiple time zones.

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Profil kandidáta

-Academic degree in Engineering, business administration or comparable qualification
-Professional experience in Purchasing, Controlling, R&D or comparable
-Good English skills (written and spoken)
-Exceptional mathematical problem solving, project management, with strong attention to detail and agile results oriented negotiation skills
-Strong team contributor, comfortable in collaborating with cross functional and multi¬cultural teams in a highly active, fast paced environment across multiple time zones.
-Excellent presentation and written communication skills to various levels of the internal and supplier organizations

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Čo ponúkame

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O nás

Continental Autonomous Mobility (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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