ESH officer (Working in shift)

Náplň práce


  • Ensure full integration ESH into Continental Tyres Business
  • Maintain and ensure all ESH Program meet Thai Law and Continental Tire Corporate requirements.
  • Monitor and ensure complying of all ESH concerned law.
  • Focal point of Emergency Response Plan
  • Maintain program to encourage or improve issue related to ESH
  • Ensure ESH training program and ESH motivation program is in place
  • Follow Up accident/incident and ESH nonconformance investigation and report
  • Identify any potential risks which may cause accident, to obstruct hazard activities Which expose to such risks and notify to both individuals and manager
  • Manage Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all area and Task.
  • Maintain and Conducting Safety GEMBA
  • Maintaining and Implementing LOTO Program as per Continental Requirement
  • To Lead the Machine Safety Inspection
  • Implementing the Site Behavior Based Safety Program  and align with established protocols to promote and enhance safety behavior and ensure solid zero-accident mindset culture.

Occupation Health

  • Responsible of employee work related health concerned, annual health Program.
  • Responsible for Ergonomics Program and Improvement Plan and Execution.
  • Reporting all ESH compliance reports that related to Thai law


  • Responsible for Industrial Hygiene Assessment, Monitoring & Measurement to meeting the Thai regulation
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Profil kandidáta

Your Skills & Experience

  • Bachelor degree in Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental.
  • Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science or equivalent field and Possess Safety Professional Level Certificate or comparable
  • Minimum 2 years of experience with Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Field
  • Communicating effectively and working under time pressure
  • Fluent English and Thai Language knowledge
  • Mature, reliable personality and appears to have leadership skill
  • Accurate communication, good personality and strong interpersonal skills, ability to work with others in a positive and collaborative manner
  • Can adaptation Power BI to manage ESH Database
  • Experienced in ISO14001
  • Experienced in ISO45001

Certificate and Qualification

  • Possess Wastewater Controller License
  • Possess Hazardous Waste Controller License
  • Possess Air Pollution Controller License
  • Possess Hazardous Chemical Controller
  • Possess Confined Space Certificate
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Čo ponúkame

Special Requirement

  • Available Working in shift pattern is required

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient intelligent, and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic, and transportation. 

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