R&D Specialist / Lead

Náplň práce

Job Description

  • More than 6 years of automotive industry Product development knowledge with Technical Leading competency
  • Technical Negotiation skills required for customer handling 
  • Mechincal design Software Catia knowledge required to look design activity
  • GD&T knowledge and tolerance stake-up calculation know-how required to build good design 
  • Basic knowledge of sensors and plastic injection molding parts knowledge
  • Bring and deploy new Front End design ideas/methodologies to unlock faster decision-making building capabilities.
  • Design compelling research plans, determine appropriate front-end methodologies, executive testing internally & with agency partners, as well as report findings and align stakeholders.
  • Foster a culture of innovation, through collaboration and engagement, building open lines of communication with Global R&D and Marketing teams, as well as other functions within CFT.
  • Support project work within the Value Creation phase of the Innovation process, bringing customer centricity to new developments.
  • Fostering the innovation mindset within the R&D community, through the organization of creative sprints and workshops and events.
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Profil kandidáta

B.E ( Mechanical) / B.E ( Mechatroincs)

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Čo ponúkame

SAP Working Experience, Mold Flow simulation, Molding tool know how

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