AI Data Manager

Náplň práce

Our teams develop software solutions for automated parking and safety systems, processing various automotive sensor data and providing a robust, scalable output to driving function modules. 
Your tasks: 

  • AI Data Manager is responsible for providing the proper quality, quantity and distribution of relevant datasets for the AI projects, focusing on Lane Detection area. 
  • Collect, consolidate and document data requirements from deep learning / machine learning specialists 
  • Plan, request, track and facilitate labeling activities in line with project timelines 
  • Track and communicate the status of the data processing steps in a transparent way 
  • Prepare and maintain label specification for different machine learning functions 
  • Review labeling results in line with the label specification and project requirement 
  • Represent the machine learning projects towards other departments. 
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Profil kandidáta

  •  University degree (BSc, MSc) 
  • Relevant job experience in business analysis / project management (medior / senior) 
  • Proactive mindset 
  • Excellent stakeholder management skills 
  • Experience with software engineering task coordination  
  • Excellent command of English language 
  • Collaborative, open-minded, team player attitude  

Nice to have: 

  • Experience with data-driven development 
  • Experience with agile development methods. 
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Čo ponúkame

What We Offer

  • Participation in exciting, highly innovative projects.
  • Personal career development and a challenging role with end-to-end responsibility.
  • Ability to directly deliver software into real products.
  • Opportunity to see your ideas turn into reality with our test vehicle.
  • Continous development with access to numerous trainings, including technical skills, soft skills and language skills.
  • A friendly, respectful and collaborative work environment that encourages creativity and innovation.
  • Competitive compensation and a wide range of benefits, including:
    • Private health insurance
    • Bonus system
    • Employee discounts
    • Sport pass support
    • Easily accessible office location in downtown Budapest (near Kálvin square). 

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

In the Budapest Artificial Intelligence Development Centre of Continental, Autonomous Mobility, we create next generation automotive software solutions which make automated driving safe and affordable. We work towards Vision Zero, a goal to eliminate fatal accidents happening every day on the world’s roads. We are looking for creative minds who are passionate to shape the future of automated driving by delivering world-class perception and fusion systems.

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