Group Leader of Tire Analysis and Forensic Tire Investigation in EC Hefei

Náplň práce

Manage, plan, supervise and perform Tire Analysis & Forensic Tire Investigation ;ensure and demonstrate tire testing/analysis capability, capacity and quality; provide and manage test solutions for our customers in the most accurate, timely, efficient and sustainable manner.

'-leading people: distribution tasks, team communication and employee dialogue;administrative support;
'-technical representative:
analysis method/machine parameter/process check & rollout;prepare local documents(analysis methods& work instructions,working procedures); analysis quality & results&report check; new analysis technics training and guide; employee supervision& qualification; analysis performance review; problem solving,troubling shooting,e.t.c;
'-Quality :coordinate audit/visit/witness testing; actions for findings closure; tenical compliance topics coordination;
'-Taks force & Project : lead or participate local & central new analysis technics, analysis extension in Hefei location,e.g. abonormal test results check, groove cracks, FZC findings,local small SPAs for quality topics ,e.t.c;
'-workshop management & coordination: analysis priority coordination, tools/machines/software investment ; supplies and repair & maintenance' PR&PO, 5S, TPM, analysis operation support& trouble shooting; support department manager for cost management; test failed in the COP test /analysis
'-Communication & collaboration: closely in contact with developers, TCS, OE, GTT central functions, stakeholders, S&R, Quality ,Plant, external labs, suppliers e.t.c to fast clarify and support customer requirement.
'-Analysis operation: Be able to conduct forensic tire analysis and operation tire findings; includes a professional root cause investigation with photo documentation and a concluding report.  Interpret, publish and present the results.


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Profil kandidáta

Education: Bachelor or Master of Mechanical Engineering or in the field of natural science or equivalent by strong technical experience in relevant area
Tire knowledge: advanced knowledge about tire construction and tire performance & Tire failure mode;;
Quality  : advanced knowledge about ISO/IEC 17025& IATF16949, quality leadership by creating standard and procedures, set goals and actions to close the gap; familiar quality tools e.g. A3 , 4D, LCPAP ,e.t.c ,support team for continuously improvement;
English skill: fluent;
Project experience : yes;
Working experience: yes; ideally >3-5 years of experience in tire related business (developer, quality or process ,e.t.c) or  testing laboratory;
Communication: actively and dynamically communicate effectively with internal & external & stakeholders;
Problem solving: fast react and deep dive into the problem and get the problem clarified, risk mitigated and problem solved by using different solutions& resources ;
Decision making : clarify strength& weakness, threatens& opportunities, make propasals to support decision making 

leadership: ideally 2~3 years leading a small or mid team experience; good at fostering team work

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Čo ponúkame

open for European-Chinese cooperation, open for occasionally traveling national and international
English language skills required

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