Waste Yard Operator

Náplň práce

'- ensure organization, coordination, receiving, separation, and temporary storage of all waste received at the waste yard
- apply the relevant legal internal rules for operation of the waste yard, waste segregation, etc.
- ensure a environmentally safe operation of the waste yard
-Ensure hazardous waste are stored with correct packaging and covered, label according to legal requirements (weight, quantity, waste code, waste description).

'- creation of the legally and internally required waste documents for the disposal
- ensure the signature of the internally authorized functions on the waste disposal documents before it leaves the plant
- ensure timely waste pick-up by the disposal company

'- continuous improvement of the waste yard operation
- managing work cloth, auxiliary equipment, personal protection equipment
-Ensure waste from shopfloor segregated and transfer to waste yard according to waste category

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Profil kandidáta

driving licence for vehicles for internal transportation up to 22 tons

technical apprenticeship in waste management, logistics, facility management

about 3 years of experience in the area of practical waste management, facility management, logistics

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Čo ponúkame

We offer an open culture, best perspectives and career opportunities!

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2021, Continental generated sales of €33.8 billion and currently employs more than 190,000 people in 58 countries and markets. On October 8, 2021, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary.

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