Processes & Projects (Temporary)

Náplň práce

Based on the GS SCM Strategy, Guidelines, Processes & Standard: 
     - Ensure the implementation of SCM processes, systems & standards, together with GS SMART SCM and according to the common CT digitalization and transformation roadmap
- Implementation of SCM systems; striving to maximize the efficiency, reliability, time-and cost effectiveness, exceeding customer expectations. 
 - In alligment with GS SCM, Design, develop and implement BA specific processes - independent analysis, validation and implementation of optimization measures within existing SCM processes
The team will be responsible for the monitoring of process and system utilization across complete SCM organization (derived from this, if necessary, countermeasures in cooperation with the Head of SCM BA to ensure sustainability).  

In close alignment with GS SCM & GS HR: 
 - Support the GS SCM people development, training and competence approach
 - Refine and maintain qualification concept, skills matrix (qualification requirements), job descriptions, training plans and training materials for all SCM related functions.

- Responsible for continuing to improve oneself with the knowledge and skills
- Able to be adaptable, take iniatitive and maintain positive attitude.
- One that lives the Corporate Core Values.

- Ensure compliance of SC processes with all applicable internal (Group, Sector, BA) and external regulations (laws, norms, customer specifications & agreements, policies, guidelines ...). 
Ensure & support teamwork, cooperation and alignment with GS SCM, other BA SCMs and all other relevant functions.
Have a pro-active approach to cross-functional communication with a special focus continuously improving/optimizing interfaces, using standardized digital solutions where is possible.


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Profil kandidáta

- Degree in SCM, Economics, Engineering, Operations, Business (university / university of applied science)
- Several years of professional experience in the areas of Supply chain management and/or Operations (good knowledge about sales, purchasing...)   
- Experience in design of SCM processes
- Excellent know-how regarding the common SCM tools and methods in particular familiarity with the supply chain systems, process & standards
- Strong SAP know how
- Project management experience in SCM projects
- Proven track record in implementing SCM processes and systems
- Solid experience in international SCM projects

- Leadership experience (direct or functional)

- Experienced in working successfully on an international level in projects as well as direct responsibility
- High level of customer focus  

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O nás

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2022, Continental generated sales of €39.4 billion and currently employs around 200,000 people in 57 countries and markets.

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