MES Engineer (VED)

Náplň práce


As an MES Engineer, you will ensure the development, functionality and improvement of the traceability system for all manufacturing steps according to the existing traceability targets and AM rules.


MES development/ integration:

Create technical specification /documentations for MES integration applications and to develop local MES integration solutions based on requirements

Reveal improvement potentials, take part in developing strategies; report any dysfunctionality of the traceability core components to the MES Core Team

Responsible for training, consulting and support for traceability for the local users.

Responsible for the initiation, planning, implementation & control of all activities to support implementation of new production equipment and new product launches

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Profil kandidáta

Qualifications and Skills

3-5 Years of experience in MES and c# application development.

BE in Computer Science, Electronic, Telecommunications or similar stream.

Expert knowledge on C#, OOPS, SQL database, Oracle Database.

Expert knowledge MES traceability system and standards or similar traceability solutions.

Expert knowledge of relevant software development tools and software packages.

Good Knowledge on computers, operating system, networking and general software, electronic manufacturing processes, industrial communication protocols.

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Čo ponúkame

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

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