Global Finance Business Specialist/Expert

Náplň práce

Global responsibility for Finance concepts, systems and tools within the company 

a.) Create, define, evaluate and align global Finance concepts & integrated global standardized solutions to ensure transparency, reliable, compliant and comparable financials for best business decisions

b.) Ensure smooth business operations by providing expert support and timely guidance and instructions on finance -issues and requests to location users as a Finance expert

c.) Enhance competency of the Finance Community by enabling them with high quality knowledge thru structured training using effective learning methodology

d.) Successfully carry-out project rollouts in accordance with approach, planning and budget by employing effective and efficient project management strategies

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Profil kandidáta

  • Bachelor's degree in Finance, Economics, Data Science, or related fields.
  • Preferably holds a Master's degree.
  • At least 3 years of work experience in a Finance-related role at Continental or Vitesco.
  • Participation in a minimum of 3 regional/global projects or leadership in at least 1 global/regional project.
  • Possesses a minimum of 1 year of experience working in an international team.
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Čo ponúkame

Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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O nás

Continental Shared Services consists of approximately 200 employees across all functions (30 cost centers with a 7M Euro Annual Budget)

▪ Automotive IT: Business Applications (SAP), Manufacturing Applications, Engineering Applications, Infrastructure (i.e. Clients, Datacenter), Information Security
▪ Corporate Infrastructure including APAC ServiceDesk (follow-the-sun) 
▪ Corporate Functions: Purchasing, Quality, HR, Finance, Business Analytics
▪ Finance Service Center Phils.
▪ Continental Business Consulting
▪ Financial Standards & Systems
▪ Regional SMY Operations

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