Head of Plant Management Changchun

Jūsų užduotys

▪Plan and control the Legal Entity in administration and operation while taking care of operational result, effectiveness of the company, quality, innovation and security.

▪ Establish, implement, monitor and control appropriate plant KPI related to all plant areas.

▪ Coordinate decision making process and commitment to results;

▪ Agree on actions and objectives with the  HQ, the plant controlling and all other departments / interfaces as required;

▪ Carry out decisions of the Board of Directors and conduct the daily management of the Plant

▪Plant manager insures cooperation / feedback internal and external partners on time, delivery high quality  products on time to customers with competitive costs

▪Fulfill internal strategies and market requirements

▪Observation of / compliance with existing legal and company-specific regulations and guidelines (e.g. work safety and environment protection)

▪ Request, approve, and ensure necessary resources for plant; eliminate internal barriers to speed up processes; organize, maintain, and control the external interfaces of the plant.

▪Consequential implementation of continuous improvement principles:
- Zero defect approach
- Lean manufacturing approach
- Coordinated continuous improvement process (ConCIP)
- Enhance processes in the plant, implement recommended and agreed improvements out of HQ, audit(s), and other activities.

▪ Responsible for all matters concerning facility management, plant layout and location planning & Responsible for environmental protection, health and working safety.

▪ Responsible for strategic alignment, further development and innovative change of the plant to meet existing and future market requirements.

Skaityti daugiau Skaityti mažiau


▪Bachelor's degree or higher, engineering discipline preferred
▪10 years working experience in automotive industry; experience in low-cost manufacturing / working in best-cost countries.
▪Operation / CBS (Continue improvement) / Quality function in international Auto company.
▪3 years international project management experience (leading or to be the key player).
▪3 years experience in managing larger departments or areas with >300 employees;
▪Experience in a matrix organization with a leader position
▪Worked in an international teams with matrix organization more then 10 years;
▪Stayed abroad for 2 years is preferred.

Skaityti daugiau Skaityti mažiau

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